5th grade government terms


FlashCards sobre 5th grade government terms, criado por Molly Luke em 10-05-2021.
Molly Luke
FlashCards por Molly Luke, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Molly Luke
Criado por Molly Luke mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
citizen legal member of a country
civic duty participating in your government
constitution rules by which a government is organized
democracy government in which citizens hold power
dictatorship government in which one ruler/group holds ALL the power
Examples of civic duty: 1.voting 2.running for office 3.volunteering 4.protesting 5. signing a petition
Executive enforces the laws (President)
Judicial settles disputes (Supreme Court)
Legislative makes laws (Congress)
Limited government government actions are limited by law
Monarchy government in which a king/queen holds power
Unlimited Government no limits on government actions
What are the two ways to be a citizen in the United States 1.born in the U.S.A 2. naturalization


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