Wishes and Regrets


FlashCards sobre Wishes and Regrets , criado por Beatriz The Tutor em 24-07-2015.
Beatriz The Tutor
FlashCards por Beatriz The Tutor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Beatriz The Tutor
Criado por Beatriz The Tutor quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
"It's raining again. I wish it wasn't" Present wish ( It IS raining...I wish it WAS NOT)
"I'm not going out tonight. I wish I was." Present Wish (I AM not going out...I wish I WAS)
"There's nothing good on TV. I wish there was." Present Wish (THERE IS nothing ... I wish THERES WAS)
"I don't like my job. I wish I did." Present Wish ( I DON'T like... I wish I DID)
"My boyfriend and I split up last week. I wish we hadn't." REGRET =PAST (... split up LAST WEEK...I wish we HADN'T)
"I know he won't call me. I wish he would." Future Wish ( ...he WON'T CALL me...I wish he WOULD)
"I feel really depressed. I wish I didn't" Present Wish ( I FEEL... I wish I DIDN'T)
"I can't talk to anyone about it. I wish I could." Future Wish ( I CAN'T talk... I wish I COULD)


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