C2.4 Rates of reaction


Flash cards on rates of chemical reactions
FlashCards por tanya-williams46, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por tanya-williams46 quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Two equations for the rate of a chemical reaction 1) Rate= Quantity of reactant used up/time 2) Rate= Quantity of product formed/time
3 experimental ways of measuring the rate of a reaction 1. Measure the loss in mass of reactants over time using a mass balance 2. Measure the volume of gas produced over time using a gas syringe 3. Measure the time taken for a solution to become opaque
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The collision theory states a chemical reaction can only occur if... 1. Reacting particles collide 2. Reacting particles collide with sufficient energy
5 factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction 1. Temperature 2. Concentration 3. Pressure 4. Surface area 5. Catalyst
Increase in temp Increasing the temperature increases the speed of the reacting particles so they collide more frequently and more energetically. This increases the rate of reaction.
Increase in pressure More particles in a given volume Increases the frequency of collisions so increases the rate of reaction
Increase in concentration More particles in a given volume Increases the frequency of collision so increases the rate of reaction
Increase in surface area Increases the frequency of collisions so increases the rate of reaction


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