Study Guide 4


Study Guide
Paige Price
FlashCards por Paige Price, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Paige Price
Criado por Paige Price mais de 9 anos atrás

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Deviant Identity Career There are seven stages of this 1. Caught and publicly identified 2. Retrospective interpretation 3. Spoiled identity 4. The dynamics of exclusion 5. Others welcome/include deviant circles 6. Treat differently those defined as deviant 7. Looking glass selves
Auxiliary Traits the common social preconception that people associate with. Also linked with Master Statues in society.
Master Statuses a term used to describe the status of greatest importance in a particular persons life
Primary Device refers to a stage when people commit deviant acts, but their deviance goes unrecognized.
Secondary Device from primary to secondary; their infractions become discovered, others identify them as deviant, and the labeling process ensues with all of its identity consequences
Tertiary Deviance when a person who has been labeled deviant seeks to normalize the behavior by relabeling it as non-deviant
Techniques of neutralization 1. Denials of responsibility (I couldn't help myself) 2. Denying injury (No harm, no foul) 3. Denial of the victim (Nobody will notice) 4. Appeal to higher loyalties (Serving a greater good) 5. Condemning the condemners (throwing attention away from ones-self)
Excuses Individuals admit the wrongfulness of their actions but distance themselves from the blame
Justification Individuals accept responsibility for their actions but seek to have specific instances excused.
Cover people employ the aid of others to help conceal their deviance
Deviance disavowal the non-deviants ignore the others' deviance and act as if it does not exist
Deviance Avowal they openly acknowledge their stigma and try to present themselves in a positive light.
Expressive Dimension primary function is to provide support for their members
Instrumental Dimension members gather together not only to accomplish the expressive functions, but also to organize for political activism
Conformity Conformative groups fundamentally adhere to the norms and values to society
Career any social stand of any person's course through life
Identity Change Public level (external) Private level (internal)
Stages of Becoming Bisexual 1. Initial Confusion 2. Finding and Applying the Label 3. Setting into the Identity 4. Continued Uncertainty
Justifying Rape 1. Women as seductresses 2. Women mean 'yes' when they say 'no' 3. Most women eventually relax and enjoy it 4. Nice girls don't get raped 5. Guilty of a minor wrongdoing
Excusing Rape Admitters regarded their behavior as morally wrong and beyond justification. They blamed themselves rather than the victim, although some continued to cling to the belief that the victim had contributed to the crime somewhat, for example, by not resisting enough.
Excuses of Rape 1. The Use of Drugs and Alcohol 2. Emotional Problems 3. Nice Guy Image
Activist Stigma in Everyday Settings 1. Leading a Double Life 2. Strategic Silence 3. Selective Disorder
Physical Posturing another form of identity work that grants homeless and non-homeless kids a momentary degree of empowerment
Sexual Posturing Some Home Away kids used sexuality to validate themselves. It articulates the sexual exploration and violence they experienced both within and outside the family.


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