Maternal/Newborn Mid-Term


Review for mid-term exam.
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the two goals in regards to mothers and babies in Healthy People 2010? Reduced infant and fetal deaths and increased prenatal care
What is one of the biggest contraindications for oral contraceptives? History of thromboembolic disorders. Others are stroke, CAD, breast cancer, gallbladder disease, estrogen-dependent tumors, pregnancy, impaired liver fxn, surgery, HTN, and headaches
What is a major side effect of Depo Provera? decreased bone mineral density
What is maternal serum screening? A blood test used to see if a pregnant woman is at risk for carrying a fetus with a neural tube defect or chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. It only identifies the risk; does not diagnose.
What is the "concept of probability?" Refers to the likelihood of something occurring. All women are at risk for carrying a baby with a defect. Prenatal testing can detect how much of a risk.
What would a preconception screening include? Patient history, lab tests, exam, and DNA analysis
When does ovulation occur and how long is an ovum fertile for? Ovulation occurs around days 13-14 of a 28 day cycle. An ovum is fertile for 24 hours.
In OB, how long is the statute of limitations? 21 years
What is always performed prior to amniocentesis? Ultrasound
What is your priority intervention for placenta previa? EFM
Brethine is the other drug name for Terbutaline
Name some common skin changes associated with pregnancy. Hyperpigmentation of moles, areola, vulva, perianal, linea nigra, chloasma, and striae gravidarum (stretch marks)
If the fetus presents in the fundus with a round movable part, what position is the fetus in? Breech
While performing a NST, you find that the fetus has been non-reactive for the past 30 minutes. What do you do next? Vibroacoustic stimulation
When does implantation occur? 6-10 days after fertilization
What are the 3 main things you are assessing while doing Leopold's maneuver? fetal position, determining if there is multiple fetuses, and if the fetus is engaged
If a fetus is large for gestational age, what lab test might you want to do? CBC to look for polycythemia.
True or False: Congenital anomalies are a larger concern for mothers with gestational diabetes versus mothers with pre-existing diabetes. False. Mothers with pre-existing diabetes are at higher risk for babies with congenital anomalies.
Name the 5 aspects of the BPP. Fetal breathing movements Fetal movements of body or limbs Fetal tone Amniotic fluid volume Reactive nonstress test
Cocaine use is associated with which vaginal bleeding complication? Placental abruption
What lab values are associated with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)? Low MSAFP, estriol, and Inhibin A High hCG
What lab values are associated with Trisomy 18? Low MSAFP, hCG, and estriol
What lab value will be elevated in a fetus with neural tube defects? MSAFP
What are the 3 main signs you assess for in magnesium sulfate toxicity? Decreased respirations, oliguira, and absent deep tendon reflexes
What are the signs of severe preeclampsia? Epigastric pain, BP of >160/110, proteinuria, blurred vision, frontal HA (not healed by Tylenol), hyperreflexive, and presence of clonus
What are the main signs of BV? Fishy scent, grayish-colored discharge, and itching
An amniocentesis done at GA 34 weeks is done to check maturity of fetal lungs
What does TPAL stand for? Term deliveries Pre-term deliveries Abortions Living children
Why shouldn't you give indomethacin after 32 weeks gestation? This medication will close the ductus arteriosis after 32 weeks gestation.
The screening test done to determine if a pregnant woman has been sensitized to the Rh factor is the Indirect Coombs' test
Early deceleration cause and intervention: Cause: head compression due to fetal descent Intervention: Vaginal exam
Variable deceleration cause, finding, treatment, and potential complication: Cause: cord compression or oligohydramnios Finding: carrot-shaped Treatment: Change position, vaginal exam after SROM, amnioinfusion Complication: prolapsed cord/ finders keepers
Late deceleration cause, finding, and treatment: Cause: uteroplacental insufficiency Finding: returns to baseline AFTER the end of a contraction Treatment: place on left side, IV fluid, O2, Check BP, turn off Pitocin
What is the criteria for a reactive nonstress test? 2 accelerations within 20 minutes
What does a positive CST mean? There were late decelerations with more than 50% of uterine contractions... that's bad!


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