He hit/He hits : ضَرَبَ - يَضْرِبُ


A list of Sarf vocabulary which fit in the mould of He hit/He hits : ضَرَبَ - يَضْرِبُ
Naeema Abbas
FlashCards por Naeema Abbas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Naeema Abbas
Criado por Naeema Abbas aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
صَبَرَ - يَصْبِرُ He showed patience / He shows patience.
غَفَرَ - يَغْفِرُ He forgave / He forgives.
ظَلَمَ - يَظْلِمُ He oppressed / He oppresses.
كَذَبَ - يَكْذِبُ He lied / He lies.
حَمَلَ - يَحْمِلُ He lifted / He lifts.
جَلَسَ - يَجْلِسُ He sat / He sits.
عَرَفَ - يَعْرِفُ He knew / He knows.
عَقَلَ - يَعْقِلُ He understood / He understands.
قَدَرَ - يَقْدِرُ He decreed / He decrees OR He had power / He has power.
كَسَبَ - يَكْسِبُ He earned / He earns.
مَلَكَ - يَمْلِكُ He possessed / He possesses.


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