Greek Gods and Goddesses


Greek mythology
FlashCards por jillian.gaines.j, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jillian.gaines.j aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Who is the god of the underworld? Hades
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty Roman name: Venus Symbol: Dove, Swan
He is the father of all gods Zeus
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Athena: The goddess of wisdom, arts, crafts, and protector of heroes in battle Symbol: Owl Roman name: Minerva
Cronus married _____ and had 6 children named what? Cronus married Rhea and had 6 children named Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus
How come Zeus had to save his brothers and sisters? When each child was born, Cronus would eat them except for Zeus who hid out into a cave for many years. Rhea fed Cronus a rock so he would think that it was baby Zeus. Zeus got help from Prometheus and Empimetheus, Cronus's siblings, to defeat Cronus. Zeus defeated Cronus and got him to spit out all of his siblings and Empimetheus and Prometheus then gave of of the children powers.
Both of these goddesses are goddesses of unmarried women Hera and Artemis
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Apollo: The god of music, poetry, healing, and light Symbol: Sun chariot lyre Roman name: Apollo
What is Hera to Zeus? His sister and wife
Who is Artemis's twin? Apollo
Which one of Zeus's children is a demigod? Dionysus, the youngest son
Who are Zeus's siblings? Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Hades
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Poseidon: God of the seas the seas and oceans. Roman name: Neptune Symbol: Trident
Who is the most beautiful god and the only ugly god? Beautiful- Apollo Ugly- Hephaestus
A peacock and the roman name Juno belong to who? Hera
Where did Athena come from? Zeus's head, Hephaestus had cut her out with and axe
Who are Aphrodite's parents? No one knows who her parents are, she arose from the sea one day.
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Cronus: The god of time Roman name: Saturn Symbol: Sickle
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Hermes: The god of shepherds, merchants, travelers, and thieves Roman name: Mercury Symbol: Winged cap and sandals (causes him to fly)
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Hades: The god of the underworld and the dead Symbol: Cerberus Roman name: Pluto
Who is Apollo's twin? Artemis
What is a demigod? Someone who has a parent that's a god and one that's a mortal
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Artemis: The goddess of hunting and unmarried girls Symbol: Stag Roman name: Diana
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Demeter: The goddess harvest (agriculture) Symbol: Sheaf of wheat Roman name: Ceres
Who is the goddess of marriage and protector of women Symbol: Peacock Roman name: Juno Hera
Why was Hera always jealous? Because of Zeus's constantly falling in love with other women
Who is the god of craftsmen, fire, and protector blacksmiths, goldsmiths, and carpenters Symbol: Hammer Roman name: Vulcan Hephaestus
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Zeus: The god of the sky (Mt. Olympus) and ruler of mankind and ruler of gods Symbol: Lightening bolt, thunder, eagle Roman name: Jupiter
Who is Hephaestus married to? Aphrodite
Who was the god war Symbol: Vulture Roman name: Mars Ares
Who was of goddess of hearth and home Symbol: Hearth and fire Roman name: Vestsa Hestia
Who was the youngest son of Zeus? Dionysus
Name the symbol, roman name, and what they are a god or goddess of. Dionysus: God of wine and comedy/tragedy Symbol: Masks of comedy/tragedy and grapes Roman name: Bacchus
What was Hestia's job? She had to keep the fire lit in the palace hearth
This nymph was punished for trying to protect her friends from Hera's wrath. Echo
This Titan was punished for giving humans the gift of fire. Prometheus
This handsome youth was punished for cruelly rejecting someone who loved him. Narcissus
This mortal woman was punished for her skill and pride. She was made to feel so guilty and ashamed that she hanged herself. Arachne
Because of this woman's curiosity, the evils of the world plague humans forever. Pandora
This young man did not heed his father's advice and almost destroyed the earth. Paethon
This daughter of a goddess was kidnapped by Hades. Her grieving mother caused the earth to become cold and barren. Persephone
This wonderful musician used his lyre to charm his way to the underworld to rescue his beloved. Because he disobeyed Hades, his mission failed. Orpheus


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