Phrasal Verbs


Uso y definición de Prhasal Verbs
Carlos Ruiz Macho
FlashCards por Carlos Ruiz Macho, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carlos Ruiz Macho
Criado por Carlos Ruiz Macho aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Keep up Continuar, Mantener, Seguir Separable -I don't think I can keep this up any longer -How long can the economic boom keep up? -I used to speak French, but I haven't keep up
Keep up with Seguir a alguien (Pillar), Mantener su ritmo, Seguir el hilo (Tanto a nivel físico como intelectual), continuar estando en contacto con alguien -I had to walk fast to keep up with him -Jack's having trouble keeping up with the rest of the c
Add to (Something) Añadir algo a algo, Aumentar algo a algo Separable -Do you want to add your name to the list? -Add 2,20€ to the cost for postage -Sales tax adds to the final price -We've added value to the information by organizing it
Cut down (Something) Reducir, Dismiuir, Talar Separable -Installing double-glazing will cut down the noise from traffic -I've always smoked, but I'm trying to cut down Your essay's too long. It needs cutting down a little
Cut down (Somebody) Matar, Herir (Especialmente en batallas) -Hundreds of men were cut down by crossbow fire
Cut down on Reducir, Disminuir, Cortar en... -By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents -Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight
Dress up Vestirse con ropa más formal de la usual, Vestirse con ropa especial por diversión, Hacer algo más interesante o atractivo -It's a small informal party, you don't have to dress up -He went to the party dressed up as a Chicago gangster -It w
Fit in Encajar, Hacer un hueco (a alguien o algo (alguna actividad)) -I never really fitted in at school -The doctor said he can fit me in at 4:30 -I wanted to fit in a swim before breakfast -I don't know quite how this new course will fit in
Fit in with Encajar con... -I wasn't sure if she would fit in with my friends -A new building must fit in with its surroundings
Go out for/to/with Dejar la casa, salir (especialmente cuando sales por entretenimiento), salir con alguien (románticamente), parar de arder o brillar, apagarse, parar de jugar por haber perdido, ir a otro país a vivir y trabajar, dejar de llevarse (ropa), ha
Go out + -ing Salir a hacer algo -Liam goes out drinking every Friday
Went out with the ark Muy desfasado de moda -This kind of entertainment went out with the ark
Put together Juntar, Unir, Aunar, Ensamblar, Más que todas las demás -It took all morning to put the proposal together -We are currently putting together a sales and marketing team -I can't work out how to put this table together -Paul seemed to have mo
Save up Ahorrar -I'm saving up for a new car
Slip on Ponerse algo rápido -I slipped my coat on and rushed outside
Stand out Destacar, Resaltar, Estar fuertemente en contra de una idea -She always stood out in a crowd -I am sure illnesses stand out in all chilhood memories -That day still stands out as the greatest day in my life -Three of the cars we tested stoo
Take back Devolver, Regresar (a un recuerdo), Admitir que estabas equivocado (Desdecirse) Separable -If the shirt doesn't fit, take it back -Having the grandchildren around takes me back to the days when my own children were small -You'd better take
Go ahead Seguir adelante, Adelante, Ve delante -They've decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 news houses -A judge has ruled that the music festival can go ahead -You go ahead and we'll catch you up later -Arsenal went ahead after 22 minutes
Go back Volver, Retroceder, Remontar, No haber vuelta atrás (there is no going back), Conocerse durante... -I think we ought to go back now -If you go back 20 years...(retrocedes) -The building goes back to Roman times(se remonta) -I realized that
Go back on something No cumplir con algo (word,promise,decision) -Sánchez claimed that the President had gone back on his word
Go back to something Volver a lo que estabas haciendo -He went back to sleep
Go for Atacar, Intentar obtener/ganar algo, Ir por, Elegir (ir a por...), Gustar un particular tipo de cosa o persona -The dog suddenly went for me -Jack is going for his second gold medal here -If you really want the job, go for it! -I think I'll
The same goes for... Lo mismo con...(algo o alguien) -Close all doors and lock them when you go out. The same goes for windows
Go in Entrar, Cubrirse, Colocarse
Go in for something Presentarse, Solicitar, Ser candidato, Interesarse en..., Dedicarse a.... -I go in for all the competitions -I never really went in for sports -I suppose I could go in for advertising
Go in with someone Asociarse con -Ellie's going in with a friend who's just started a café
Go on Continuar, Pasar/Ocurrir, Continuar haciendo algo después de acabar de hacer otra cosa, Continuar hablando, Vamos/Venga/Adelante, Seguir adelante, Encenderse (empezar a funcionar), Pasar (el tiempo), Comportarse, Ir delante, Hablar mucho, D
Go over Escudriñar (Pensar detenidamente en algo), Examinar detenidamente algo, Repetir, Repasar, Revisar -I had gone over and over what happened in mi mind -In the competition, the judge goes over each dog and assesses it -Once again I went over e
Go over well (In american english is Go over big) Encajar, Gustar, Tener un gran éxito (If somethig goes over well, people like it) -That kind of salesman talk doesn't go over very well with the sciencists
Go over to Cambiar o Pasar a diferente lugar o persona en TV o Radio / a una forma diferente de hacer las cosas / a un diferente partido político o religión -We're going over to the White House for an important announcement -They went over to a comput
Go up Subir/Incrementar, Instalar (Si un edificio o señal goes up quiere decir que está construido o fijado ya), Explotar/Arder, Ir (hacia muy el norte o de una ciudad a un lugar pequeño), Entrar a la universidad (especialmente con Oxford y Cambr
Knock off Rebajar, Descontar, Acabar, Finalizar, Producir, Matar a alguien, Robar algo -I'll knock off 10€ -Moving house will knock an hour off Ray's journey to work +Producir algo rápido y de forma fácil -Roland makes a lot of money knocking off copies of famous paintings
Work out Elaborar, Planear, Calcular, Resolver, Resolverse, Ejercitarse -UN negociators have worked out a set of compromise proposals -I had it all worked out (Lo tengo todo planeado) -We'll have to work out how much food we'll need for the party -The plot is very complicated, It'll take you a while to work it out -Things will work out, you'll see / I'm sure everything will work itself out -He works out with weights twice a week
Figure out Descifrar -Can you figure out how to do it? / If I have a map, I can figure it out
Live up Estar a la altura, Hacer honor -The bank is insolvent and will be unable to live up to its obligations / The film has certainly lived up to my expectations -She lives up to her stylish reputation
Move on Continuar, Seguir adelante (desde el punto de vista de superar algún momento de tu vida o de continuar con tu vida) -When you finsh, move on to the next exercise / Before we move on, does anyone have any questions? -I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move on / After three days we decided it was time to move on / I've moved on since high school, and now I don't have much in common with some of my old friends
Screw up Meter la pata, Fastidiarla -You'd better not screw up this time
Mess up Estropear, Arruinar, Ensuciar, Pifiar -It took me ages to get this right, I don't want some idiot to mess it up -She felt she'd messed up her whole life -Who messed up the kitchen? -I think I messed up on the last question
Find out Descubrir, Averiguar, Enterarse -I found out that my parents had never been married / To find out more, visit our website / What happens if we get found out? -I need to find out more about these night courses
Turn up Subir, Aparecer -Turn the oven up to 220ºC / Turn up the radio! -Eventually my watch turned up in a coat pocket / You can't just turn up and expect a meal! / Steve turned up late, as usual
Fight back Luchar, Pelear +Trabajar duro u oponerse a algo, sobretodo si se está perdiendo -United fought back and scored a last minute goal -She was fighting back against the cancer +Usar la violencia o argumentos contra alguien que te ha atacado o que ha discutido contigo -The rebels are fighting back +Intentar fuertemente no tener o mostrar sentimientos -She looked away, fighting back her tears -He fought back the impulse to slap her
Get used to Acostumbrarse -I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather -They are getting used to studying everyday +El verbo que va seguido de el "to" acaba con la terminación "-ing"
Pay off Saldar (Devolver), Dar resultado/Merecer la pena -I'll pay off all my debts first -Teamwork paid off +También usado como "Despido" una vez pagados el salario -Two hundred workers have been paid off
Bring out Sacar -The spices really bring out the flavour of the meat -He's bringing out a new album next week -Jenny opened the cupboard and brought out a couple of bottles -Alcohol just brings out the worst in her +Bring somebody out of himself/herself se usa para decir que alguien es menos reservado o que es más abierto -changing schools has really brought her out of herself
Point out Señalar, Indicar -He was always very keen to pointing out my mistakes -Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing
Get on Congeniar, Progresar, Tener éxito, Ponerse -I've always got on well with Henry / The two boys get on well most of the time -How is George getting on at school? / I don't know how we'll get on without Michael -You'll have to work hard if you want to get on -I can't get my boots on!
Splash out Gastarse mucho dinero en algo -We splashed out on a new kitchen -Last year Roberts splashed out more than 1 million pounds to buy a new home
End up Terminar -He came round for a coffee and we ended up having a meal together -I wondered where the pictures would end up after the auction -Most slimmers end up putting weight back on -He could end up as President -I don't want to end up like my parents
Hang out Colgar/Tender, Pasar el rato -My job was to hang out the washing / Hang the wet things out to dry -I don't really know who she hangs out with / Where do the youngsters hang out?
Take off Despegar, Quitarse, Empezar a tener éxito, Libre (De descanso) -I felt quite excited as the plane took off from Heathrow -He sat on the bed to take his boots off / Charlie was taking off his shirt when the phone rang -Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started taking off -I rang my boss and arranged to take some time off / Dad took the day off to come with me
Get rid of Deshacerse -It's time we got rid of all these old toys -Governments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons -He opened the window to get rid of the smell
Throw off Deshacerse de, Arrojar -It's taken me ages to throw off this cold -They threw off their clothes and dived in
Drop off Recoger a alguien o algo de un lugar con el coche y dejarle/lo por el camino en otro sitio -I'll drop you off on my way home
Sort out Limpiar/Organizar/Recoger, Clasificar, Solucionar -We need to sort out our camping gear before we go away -I've sorted out the paper that can be thrown away -She went to a psychiatrist to try to sort out her problems / I'll be glad to get this misunderstanding sorted out / Have you sorted out where you're going to live yet? / Our financial problems should sort themselves out in a week or two
Move up Ascender, Hacer sitio/Arrimarse -To move up, you'll need the right training / Share prices moved up this month -There's room for one more if everyone moves up a bit
Run away Huir -Toby ran away from home at the age of 14 -You can't just run away from your responsibilities -They ran away together to get married
Fall under Incluirse en/Estar bajo -The job falls under the heading of "sales and marketing" -Meat production falls under the control of the Agriculture Department
Kick off Comenzar/Empezar, Expulsar -What time does the laser show kick off? / The match Kicks off at noon / The series kicked off with an interview with Brando / I'm going to kick off today's meeting with a few remarks about the budget -Joe was kicked off the committee for stealing funds
Lay down Establecer, Deponer -He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech / The contract laid down that he work must be completed before 2025 -The terrorists were urged to lay down their arms
Come true Hacerse realidad -When she was young she believed that all her dreams would someday come true -Dreams come true for many people when designing a new kitchen -Let us work to make our dreams come true -It is a dream that has come true thanks to your continuous support -What we feared last year has come true


Phrasal verbs
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Inglés - Verbos Compuestos II (Phrasal Verbs)
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Inglés - Verbos Compuestos I (Phrasal Verbs)