Mythology Test#1


FlashCards sobre Mythology Test#1, criado por timandlisa em 07-09-2015.
FlashCards por timandlisa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por timandlisa aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Zeus King of the Gods
Hera Queen of Gods, Protector of Marriage
Poseidon Titan, "Sky God", Trident is his symbol
Aphrodite God of Love and Beauty, Mother to Cupid
Hades God of the Underworld
Hermes Messenger God ( God of Commerce, travelers, and thieves )
Ares God of War
Artemis Patroness of Maidens; Virgin Goddess
Athena God of wisdom and weaving; Sprang from Zeus' head
Hephaestus God of Fire; Forger of Armour
Demeter Goddess of Agriculture
Fates Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos; Give men good and evil at birth
Aeolus King of the Winds
Graces (3) Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia
Janus God of beginnings
Iris Goddess of the Rainbows
Homer Famous for Epic poems; Iliad and the Odyssey
Cronus/Rhea Parents of Olympians; Cronus ate his children
Prometheus "forethought"; protector of mankind; took fire
Pandora 1st woman on Earth; created as punishment to men; Gods gave her gifts
Epimetheus Hindsight; afterthought
Deucalion/Pyrrha created first people with rocks
Daphne turned into a laurel tree
Pygmalion fell in love with his own statue that he made
Pyramis/Thisbe Met in secret; killed themselves
Tartarus deepest division of the underworld; used for punishment
Narcissus/Echo Nar. fell in love with himself; Hera took Echos' voice when Echo distracted her from finding Zeus
Baucis/Philemon Old couple; showed hospitality to the Gods; Gods sent a flood, they were the only survivors
Endymion Slept forever because of Selene(Moon); he was a handsome Shepherd
Gorgons could turn you into stone
How many muses? nine
How was Athena Born? Sprang from Zeus' head
What were the names of the Nature Nymphs? Nereids, Naiads, Dryads, and Oreads
Definition of Anthropomorphic giving of human Characteristics
Hermes Symbols Winged sandals, Cacudeus
Story of Pandora Zeus created her as a curse to mankind when Prometheus took fire to give to mankind without asking
Pan Part Man; Part Goat
Orpheus went to the underworld to save his wife
Charon ferryman of Hades; Carries souls of the newly deceased
Europa Carried of by Zeus in the form of a Bull
Cerberus Multiheaded dog; Guards Hades
Medusa Only mortal Gorgon; snake for hair
Centaur Half man; Half horse
Prometheus' punishment Chained to a rock, no sleep, Eagle was eating his liver; Zeus gave him this Punishment
The loss of Cupid Cupid lost trust in Psyche when her sisters convinced her to look at him when he told her not to; she spilt wax on him


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