rogressive / continuous


rogressive / continuous
Marco Antonio Valderrama Mendez
FlashCards por Marco Antonio Valderrama Mendez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marco Antonio Valderrama Mendez
Criado por Marco Antonio Valderrama Mendez aproximadamente 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
These are the 5 ways to use the ENG or the GERUNDIO in English: Progressive / continuous We use this when in a sentence we want to add the "ando" and the "endo" Example: The man is digging with his shovel
As the second we have the Subject or Object. When using in a sentence it depends on the subject or object that is in the sentence will be the way it is written. Examples: Sub: Cooking is his passion. Obj: His passion is cooking
Third: After a preposition In this you will have to add a preposition to the sentence together with the verb with ing giving meaning to it Example: I'll go after checking my email.
The fourth is the adjective -> How is it? This is where the word with ing will have a change of place in the sentence so that it can have an understanding of what will be said. Example: She is in an interesting place.
Finally after the verb In this, our word with ing goes after a verb that helps us complete our sentence and then the end of our sentence is added. Example: I like Eating pizza.


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