self, death and the afterlife


FlashCards sobre self, death and the afterlife, criado por Thomas Woodcock em 15-11-2021.
Thomas Woodcock
FlashCards por Thomas Woodcock, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Thomas Woodcock
Criado por Thomas Woodcock quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is dualism? Dualism is the metaphysical claim that the universe is made up of two types of matter, physical and non-physical
What is monism? Monism is the metaphysical claim that the universe is only made of one type of matter?
What are the two main types of monism? Materialism and idealism
What is materialism? Materialism is the metaphysical claim that everything is made of physical matter
What is idealism? Idealism is metaphysical claim that everything is made of non physical matter
What is foundational ism? Foundational ism is the search for something that you can be certain is true, Descartes used this in his meditations to find the foundation of knowledge
what is methodological scepticism? Methodological scepticism is use of doubt to find what can't be doubted
Can you doubt that you are doubting? No, because then you would be doubting
What are Descartes' 3 arguments for dualism? 1. the argument from illusion 2. the argument from dreaming 3. the evil demon/brain in a vat argument
What is the argument from illusion? The argument from illusion, as i can see things that aren't actually there, it means i can't trust my senses, ergo i can't trust them to tell me the truth of the world
What is the argument from dreaming? The argument from dreaming is that i am certain that what my senses tell me is the truth but i have had this certainty in my dreams, ergo they can't be the test of truth
What is the evil demon/brain in a vat argument? The evil demon/brain in a vat argument is the thought experiment that to remind myself that my thoughts can be doubted, i will tell myself that i could be nothing more than a brain in a vat being fed false sensations by an evil demon
Cogito ergo sum? I think therefore i am, i know that i am thinking as i can't doubt that i am doubting so i know i exist as something that thinks
what is the divisibility argument for dualism? physical matter can be divided, but non physical matter such as human nature can't, they are not the same
what is the conceivability argument? The conceivability argument is that i can conceive of myself without a physical body but i can't conceive of myself without a mind, so the two are different as i am a mind not a body
What is Qualia? Qualia is the subjective aspects of sence experience
What is an example of Qualia? the colour red or the taste of strawberry
What are two types of materialism? physical ism and behaviourism
What is physicalism? Physicalism is that the mind can be reduced to physical explanations
What is behaviouralism? Behaviouralism is that the mind can be reduced to observable behaviour
What was Gilbert Ryle's oxford university argument against dualism? Someone is given a tour of oxford uni, and after they have seen all the colleges, offices and all the ground that is part of oxford uni, they ask the tour guide, yes, but where is oxford uni. they have seen it oxford uni is all the buildings and the grounds, this is the same for the mind, it is not separate from the body
What did Gilbert Ryle say about dualism? Ryle said that it is categorical error like classing a whale as a fish
What did Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia ask Descartes about dualism? She asked him, if dualism is true, then where do the mind and body meet and interact?
What was Descartes response to Elizabeth? He said that they meet at the pineal gland (they don't)
What was Gilbert Ryle's 2nd argument? The Ghost in a machine, if dualism is true, and the mind is non physical then it is like a ghost in a machine, non physical matter can't interact with physical matter, ergo dualism isn't possible
Who was Phineas Gage? Phineas Gage was a construction worker, and after an accidental explosion, a metal pole went through his head, Gage survived and when the pole was removed, his personality was drastically changed, this is one of the best pieces of evidence to show the mind is nothing more than a product of the brain and physical body and that there is no separation
What is dual aspect monism? Dual aspect monism is idea there is only one thing but that one thing has two properties such as the mind and body, if you effect one you effect the other
What is another example of dual aspect monism and which philosophers are behind it? Pantheism, is a type of dual aspect monism, with the two properties being the universe and God, the thinkers are Spinoza and Griffin
What is Functionalism? Functionalism is the idea that the mind can be reduced to inputs, processes and purposes and outputs, the observable functions
What did Thomas Nagel say about Bats? Nagel asked 'what is it like to be a bat' we don't know
How would a functionalist respond to Thomas Nagel? We know the inputs for bats (sound), we know the process of the bats (echo location) and we know the outputs (navigation without sight), ergo we know what it is like to be a bat
What are Aristotle's 4 causes? Material=what something is made of efficient=what made it formal=the essence of the thing final=telos of an object
Who was a Philosopher who supported materialism? Thomas Hobbes supported materialism
Who was a philosopher who supported idealism? Bishop George Berkeley supported idealism
What is Dawkins' 'soul 1'? Dawkins' soul one is the immaterial, religious soul
What is Dawkins' 'soul 2' Dawkins' soul two is the scientific material soul, which will be adopted when science has fully explained consciousness
What are the two models of physics that are used to describe the world? the two types of physics is the standard model of physics and quantum physics
According to Bishop Berkeley what doesn't exist? A mind independent reality
What is John Hick's Mr X thought experiment? Hick's thought experiment of replica theory is the idea that an omnipotent God could replicate our physical bodies somewhere else
What did Swinburne say about the afterlife? That without an immaterial soul there can't be an afterlife, it is the only guarantee of an afterlife
What was Swinburne's laptop analogy? Swinburne's laptop analogy said that you can move a laptop's software onto another device, even if the original hardware is broken, this is the same for the soul, it can be moved and still survive even if the physical body is dead
What is subjective immortality? Subjective immortality is the idea that one's subjective experiences continue on to the afterlife
What is resurrection? Resurrection is a return to life with your physical body and memories and personality intact
What is reincarnation? Reincarnation is the soul leaving the body and being given a new one, without memories or identity
What do Hindu's believe about are conscious experiences? Hindu's believe that we are not identical to our conscious experiences, they are illusions (Maya)
What is Atman? Atman is the soul, the part of you that is part of the universal conscious
What is Brahman? Brahman is universal conscious
What is the goal for Hindus? The goal is to entirely fuse with Brahman and disappear
Why did Griffin reject subjective immortality? Griffin rejected Subjective immortality as wishful thinking and it is just a way for us to deal with are fear of death
What is objective immortality? Objective immortality is the idea that we are apart of God, both mind and soul
Does any aspect of God dies? No, it just changes form, our existence will always be in the eyes of God which is eternal, we may cease to exist but will always exist as an eternal memory to God


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