plastics/polymers tech


tech FlashCards sobre plastics/polymers tech, criado por maebhy wavy em 11-11-2013.
maebhy wavy
FlashCards por maebhy wavy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
maebhy wavy
Criado por maebhy wavy mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
A polymer is A non-stick solid made up of long chains of molecules which are formed by joining shorter chain molecules
Plastic comes from the greek word Plaskos which means mould
the raw materials of polymer are ICI and dupont
thermo-softening polymers are soft and can be reshaped many times after heating
thermo-setting polymers are harder stronger and can not be softened and reshaped after heating
composite materials are mixtures of metal, ceramics and polymers
1.composite fibers provide 2. Polymers... 1. strength 2. hold fibers together
two types of thermosetting polymers are 1. epoxy resin - used to make very strong adhesives 2. polyester resin - used to make surf boards and swimming pools
two types of thermosoftening polymers are 1. acrylic- car lights, baths, shop signs 2. polystyrene - food containers, toys, CD cases packaging
combination squar used for measuring 45 angles and 90 angles
steel rule used for measuring and drawing straight lines
tape measure used for measuring distances greater than 300mm and curved surfaces
compass and spring dividers used for marking circles and arks
templates are used for tracing around to help get the right shape
scoring blade used for scratching shallow groves so that the polymer cam be broken along the scored line
hack saw used for cutting polymers
band saw and scroll saw used for cutting sheet polymers along strait and curved lines
circular saw used for cutting sheets of polymers along very strait lines
files used for finishing edges
the three types of filing are cross filing, strait filing, draw filing
the three types of files are flat smooth, flat basted, second cut
the first step in finishing polymers is trimming the edges because it was cut with a table saw
the second step in finishing is cross filing with a second cut or flat basted then draw filing with a flat basted or second cut
the third step in finishing is strait, cross and draw filing with a hand smooth and sanding it with 400 grit wet and dry
the forth step in finishing is polishing it with braso or the buffing wheel
two was to join polymers are adhesive bonding and cohesive bonding


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