Medine History - 1250-present


Medicine History revision.
chelsea wilkinson
FlashCards por chelsea wilkinson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
chelsea wilkinson
Criado por chelsea wilkinson mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who discovered the structure of DNA? James Watson and Francis Crick. (Rosalind Franklin too, but less credit)
What did Hippocrates do? Hippocrates developed the 4 humours, and was known as the 'Father of modern medicine' - he thought you could balance them up, e.g. blood letting if you have bad blood.
What did Galen think/do? Galen developed the Theory of opposites, e.g. too much of a humour- cure with thee opposite: phlegm - hot chilli.
CHURCH causes of disease God gave illness as a punishment.
SCIENCE/TECH causes of disease New discoveries explained with old ideas, printing press (1440) spreading more info on 4 humours.
Treatment of disease Theory of opposites, prayer, herbal remedies, hospitals and doctors, whipping yourself - so god makes you better.
The Black Death - when? 1346 – 1352
SUPERNATURAL - Causes & Treatment punishment for sin in the world or the positioning of the planet. Tell priests your sins, pray, offer gifts to god, dont resist illness as God gave you it.


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