
Oposiciones OPOSICIONES 2023 (UNIT 32. NARRATIVE TEXTS) FlashCards sobre UNIT 32, criado por Miriam González Cano em 26-12-2021.
Miriam González Cano
FlashCards por Miriam González Cano, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miriam González Cano
Criado por Miriam González Cano quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. TEXT AND CONTEXT 2.1. Criteria for textuality 2.2. Types of text 3. NARRATIVE TEXTS 3.1. Characteristics of narrative texts 3.2. Discourse typology 3.3. Structure of narrative texts 3.4. Elements of narrative texts 3.5. Narrative varieties 4. DIDACTIC IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND WEBLINKS
Quirk defines text as... a stretch of language which makes coherence sense in the context of its use
Context can be described as... the text that accompanies text
Hymes described context of situation including... -form and content of message -participants -setting -key -medium -genre -norms of interaction -effects of communication
Halliday distinguishes between... -context of situation -context of culture -co-text
According to Halliday, cotext of situation is analysed from... -field -tenor -mode
Context of culture refers to... the meanings and assumptions shared by a community of people
Co-text refers to... the text that surrounds a passage, that it, the words coming before and after it
Criteria for textuality -Cohesion -Coherence -Intentionality -Intertextuality
Cohesion vs coherence Cohesion: unity of form Coherence: unity of meaning
Michael Toolan defines narrative texts as... perceived sequence of non-randomly connected events
Characteristics of narrative texts: -Artificial fabrication -Prefabrication -Goal -Narrator -Displacement -Figures of speech
FID can be described as... a speech mode and thought representation which relies on syntactic, pragmatic and lexical characteristics
Characteristics of FID: -No reported clause -3rd person pronouns -Proximal deictics -Inversion in questions -Modal verbs
Structure of narrative texts: -Orientation -Complication -Resolution
Main elements of narrative texts: -Theme -Plot -Characters -Conflict -Setting -Point of view
Theme refers to... the overarching idea that the writer of the story wants to be understood by the audience
Plot refers to... the structure of the narrative as it moves through time
General plotline: -Exposition -Rising action -Climax -Falling action -Denouement
Characters refer to... the people involved in the narrative
Conflict refers to... the issue or problem characters in a story are confronted by
Types of conflict: -Person vs. person -Person vs. self -Person vs. nature -Person vs. society
Setting refers to... the environment of the story, including the space, time and atmosphere
Point of view refers to... the perspective the story is told from, that is, the kind of narrator
Types of narrator: -1st-person -3rd limiter -3rd omniscient
Fictional narrative refers to... literature created from the imagination, though it may be based on a true situation
Subgenres within fictional narrative: -Fantasy -Science fiction -Realistic fiction -Historical fiction
Fantasy: based on an imaginary setting and involving improbable characters, where the hero is aimed at defeating evil
Science fiction: an adventure story based on the real world, which involves travel and danger, and is set in a future time facing contemporary problems
Realistic fiction: involving believable characters with unique human qualities, and whose endings are not always happy
Historical fiction: based on real historical events, although the author may be creative without making historical mistakes
Factual narrative refers to... any literary work which is based mainly on a fact, even though it may contain fictional elements


Atos Administrativos
Alynne Saraiva
Plano de Estudo Vestibular- Semana 1
Alessandra S.
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Luiz Fernando
Física: Mecânica - Cinemática
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Contextualização Aula 01 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
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Hugo Fonseca