Unit 5-Describing pain


Vocabulary of excercise 3 and 4
Becky Jigo
FlashCards por Becky Jigo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Becky Jigo
Criado por Becky Jigo mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Constant When you feel a continuous pain that does not stop
Intermittent It's when the pain begins and ends very quickly
Unbearable That hurts too much and you can't stand it
Shooting When the pain comes suddenly, very strong and unexpectedly
Distress When you feel worried about something
Intensity When it is too much and it is increasing
Excruciating That it is unbearable and cannot be endured
Mild When the pain is light or slight
Burning When it burns or smolders
Sharp When the pain is acute
Moderate The pain is moderate and does not hurt or bother too much
Throbbing When you feel the throbbing in the wound


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