U2A2.- LEARNING IRREGULAR VERBS------Italo Yael Aguirre Fentanes 2BLCM


U2A2.- LEARNING IRREGULAR VERBS------Italo Yael Aguirre Fentanes 2BLCM
Italo Aguirre
FlashCards por Italo Aguirre, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Italo Aguirre
Criado por Italo Aguirre mais de 2 anos atrás

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U2A2.- LEARNING IRREGULAR VERBS Italo Yael Aguirre Fentanes 2BLCM
Infinitive: arise Simple Past: arose surgir
Infinitive: be Simple Past: was / were ser
Infinitive: beat Simple Past: beat golpear
Infinitive: become Simple Past: became convertirse
Infinitive: begin Simple Past: began comenzar
Infinitive: bet Simple Past: bet/betted apostar
Infinitive: bite Simple Past: bit morder
Infinitive: bleed Simple Past: bled sangrar
Infinitive: blow Simple Past: blew soplar
Infinitive: break Simple Past: broke romper
Infinitive: bring Simple Past: brought traer
Infinitive: build Simple Past: built construir
Infinitive: buy Simple Past: bought comprar
Infinitive: catch Simple Past: caught atrapar
Infinitive: choose Simple Past: chose elegir
Infinitive: come Simple Past: came venir
Infinitive: cost Simple Past: cost costar
Infinitive: creep Simple Past: crept arrastrarse
Infinitive: cut Simple Past: cut cortar
Infinitive : deal Simple Past: dealt dar, repartir
Infinitive : do Simple Past: did hacer
Infinitive : draw Simple Past: drew dibujar
Infinitive : dream Simple Past: dreamt/dreamed soñar
Infinitive :drink Simple Past: drank beber
Infinitive : drive Simple Past: drove conducir
Infinitive : eat Simple Past: ate comer
Infinitive : fall Simple Past: fell caer
Infinitive : feed Simple Past: fed alimentar
Infinitive : feel Simple Past: felt sentir
Infinitive : fight Simple Past: fought pelear
Infinitive : find Simple Past: found encontrar
Infinitive : flee Simple Past: fled huir
Infinitive : fly Simple Past:flew volar
Infinitive :forget Simple Past:forgot olvidar
Infinitive : forgive Simple Past: forgave perdonar
Infinitive : forsake Simple Past: forsook abandonar
Infinitive : freeze Simple Past:froze congelar
Infinitive : get Simple Past: got tener, obtener
Infinitive : give Simple Past: gave dar
Infinitive :go Simple Past: went ir
Infinitive : grind Simple Past: ground moler
Infinitive : grow Simple Past: grew crecer
Infinitive : hang Simple Past: hung colgar
Infinitive : have Simple Past: had tener
Infinitive : hear Simple Past: heard oír
Infinitive : hide Simple Past: hid esconderse
Infinitive : hit Simple Past: hit golpear
Infinitive : hold Simple Past: held tener, mantener
Infinitive : hurt Simple Past: hurt herir, doler
Infinitive : kneel Simple Past: knelt arrodillarse
Infinitive : know Simple Past: knew saber
Infinitive :lead Simple Past: led encabezar
Infinitive : learn Simple Past: learnt/learned aprender
Infinitive : leave Simple Past: left dejar
Infinitive : lend Simple Past: lent prestar
Infinitive : let Simple Past: let dejar
Infinitive :lie Simple Past: lay yacer
Infinitive : lose Simple Past: lost perder
Infinitive :make Simple Past: made hacer
Infinitive : mean Simple Past: meant significar
Infinitive : meet Simple Past: met conocer, encontrar
Infinitive : pay Simple Past: paid pagar
Infinitive :put Simple Past: put poner
Infinitive : read Simple Past: read leer
Infinitive : ride Simple Past: rode montar, ir
Infinitive : ring Simple Past: rang llamar por teléfono
Infinitive : rise Simple Past: rose elevar
Infinitive : run Simple Past: ran correr
Infinitive: say simple Past: said decir
Infinitive: see simple Past: saw ver
Infinitive: sell simple Past: sold vender
Image: R (image/png)
Infinitive: send simple Past: sent enviar
Image: R (image/png)
Infinitive: set simple Past: set fijar
Infinitive: sew simple Past: sewed coser
Infinitive: shake simple Past: shook sacudir
Infinitive: shine simple Past: shone brillar
Infinitive: shoot simple Past: shot disparar
Infinitive: show simple Past: showed mostrar
Infinitive: shrink simple Past: shrank/shrunk encoger
Infinitive: shut simple Past: shut cerrar
Infinitive: sing simple Past: sang cantar
Infinitive: sink simple Past: sank hundir
Infinitive: sit simple Past: sat sentarse
Infinitive: sleep simple Past: slept dormir
Infinitive: slide simple Past: slid deslizar
Infinitive: sow simple Past: sowed sembrar
Infinitive: speak simple Past: spoke hablar
Infinitive: spell simple Past: spelt/spelled deletrear
Infinitive: spend simple Past: spent gastar
Infinitive: spill simple Past: spilt/spilled derramar
Infinitive: split simple Past: split partir
Infinitive: spoil simple Past: spoilt/spoiled estropear
Infinitive: spread simple Past: spread extenderse
Infinitive: stand simple Past: stood estar de pie
Infinitive: steal simple Past: stole robar
Infinitive: sting simple Past: stung picar
Infinitive: stink simple Past: stank/stunk apestar
Infinitive: strike simple past: struck golpear
Infinitive: swear simple past: swore jurar
Infinitive: sweep simple past: swept barrer
Infinitive: swim simple past: swam nadar
Infinitive: take simple past: took tomar
Infinitive: teach simple past: taught enseñar
Infinitive: tear simple past: tore romper
Infinitive: tell simple past: told decir
Infinitive : think simple past: thought pensar
Infinitive: throw simple past: threw lanzar
Infinitive: tread simple past: trode pisar
Infinitive: understand simple past: understood entender
Infinitive: wake simple past: woke despertarse
Infinitive: wear simple past: wore llevar puesto
Infinitive: weave simple past: wove tejer
Infinitive: weep simple past: wept llorar
Infinitive: win simple past: won ganar
Infinitive: wring simple past: wring retorcer
Infinitive: write simple past: wrote escribir
Infinitive: simple past:
Infinitive: simple past:
Infinitive: simple past:
Infinitive: simple past:


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