Glossary (Set 2)


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Glossary) FlashCards sobre Glossary (Set 2), criado por SLS Indonesian em 19-05-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Bisa kurang harganya? Can I have the price lower?
Budi membeli oleh-oleh khas Yogyakarta untuk anak istrinya. Budi bought Jogjakarta special souvenir for his wife and child.
Celana panjang itu mengecil/menciut sesudah dicuci. The pants shrank after the pants were washed.
Coba saya lihat. Oh, batik yang ini adalah batik tulis, dan batik itu adalah batik cap. Let me see. Oh, this batik is batik tulis and that batik is batik cap.
harga miring (an idiom) low price
harga terjangkau Affordable price
harga yang pantas/harga yang sesuai a fair/reasonable price / appropriate price
Harga-harga buku di toko ini lebih murah daripada harga-harga buku di toko-toko lainnya. Book prices in this store are cheaper than prices in other stores.
Harga-harga kemeja batik ada yang mahal dan ada yang murah. Some of those batik shirts are expensive, others are cheap.
Harganya masih terlalu tinggi. The price is still high.
Industri Kerajinan Ukir Jepara Jepara Carving Craft Industry
jas yang terlalu besar a jacket which is too big
Jeruk ini lebih manis daripada jeruk itu. This orange/citrus is sweeter than that orange/citrus.
Kalau Anda mau membeli ukiran, sebaiknya Anda membelinya di Jepara. If you want to buy wood carving, it's better if you buy it in Jepara.
Kalau saya beli dua tas, apa bisa diskon? If I buy two bags, can I get a discount?
Kemeja batiknya jauh lebih besar daripada kemeja batik saya. His batik shirt is far bigger than mine.
Kita juga bisa tawar* harganya. We can also bargain the price.
Kopi itu diimpor dari Indonesia. That coffee was imported from Indonesia.
Makanan di kafe ini enak-enak dan murah. The food at this cafe is delicious and cheap.
makanan tradisional yang enak-enak delicious traditional food


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