jauh lebih + adjective_ = _far more + adjective_ (in context)


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) FlashCards sobre jauh lebih + adjective_ = _far more + adjective_ (in context), criado por SLS Indonesian em 19-05-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Harga-harga di toko ini jauh lebih murah daripada harga-harga di toko itu. The prices in this store are far cheaper than the prices in that store.
Nasi goreng di restoran ini jauh lebih enak daripada nasi goreng di restoran itu. The fried rice in this restaurant is far more delicious than the fried rice in that restaurant.
Televisi saya jauh lebih besar daripada televisi dia. My television is far bigger than his television.
Mobil dia jauh lebih mahal daripada mobil saya. His car is far more expensive than my car.
Tinggal di Amerika jauh lebih mahal daripada tinggal di Indonesia. Living in America is far more expensive than living in Indonesia.
Orang-orang di negara ini jauh lebih ramah daripada orang-orang di negara itu. People in this country are far friendlier than people in that country.
Mal-mal di kota saya jauh lebih besar daripada mal-mal di kota dia. The malls in my town are far bigger than the malls in his town.
Orang-orang di kantor saya jauh lebih rajin daripada orang-orang di kantor dia. People in my office are far more hardworking than people in his office.
Bahasa Indonesia wanita ini jauh lebih lancar daripada bahasa Indonesia pria itu. This woman's Indonesian is far more fluent than that man's Indonesian.
Kualitas barang-barang ini jauh lebih baik daripada kualitas barang-barang itu. The quality of these goods is far better than the quality of those goods.


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