Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency_"kurang + adjective" = "less + adjecive" (in context)


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) FlashCards sobre Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency_"kurang + adjective" = "less + adjecive" (in context), criado por SLS Indonesian em 25-05-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Toko ini kurang lengkap. The store is not complete enough.
Makanan ini kurang enak. The food is not delicious enough.
Kamar ini kurang besar. The room is not big enough.
Rumah ini kurang nyaman. The house is not comfortable enough.
Minuman ini kurang manis. The drink is not sweet enough.
Kota ini kurang aman. The city is not safe enough.
Harga-harganya kurang mahal. The prices are less expensive.
Orang-orangnya kurang ramah. The people are less friendly.
Sayur-sayurannya kurang segar. The vegetables are not fresh enough.
Makanan ini kurang pedas. The food is not spicy enough.


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