music test study!!!


study for music test or FAIL or DIE :)
FlashCards por lateo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lateo quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the beat? the beat is the heart beat of the music
What is a rhythm? a rhythm is the pattern of shorter and longer sounds on a beat.
what shows the rhythmic pattern in a song? the words.
when is the rhythm name used? when reading the rhythm out loud : tika tika ti ti ta
Crotchet/ quarter note one sound on a beat rhythm name=ta
crotchet rest/quarter note rest no sound on a beat. za
two quavers/two eighth notes two equal sounds on a beat ti-ti
one quaver/eighth note a half of a beat ti
staff/stave five lines four spaces to write music on
treble clef/g clef at the start of music for high voices or instruments.
high and low sounds in music. pitch
time signature how many beats in each bar
inetervel description of the distance of one note or pitch to another.
do - re step
do - mi skip
what are do re mi called? solfa names
what are music using rhythmic short hand with solfa names called? stick notation
solfa names and letter names lower case letters upper case letters
what is the system called where we can alter which note do? moveable do solfa tonic solfa
solfa names CAN change Letter names CANNOT change :)
four semiquavers/four sixteenth notes four equal sounds on one beat ti-ka-ti-ka
one semiquaver/one sixteenth note a quarter of a beat tik
final note finalis lowest note in melody
moderato moderate tempo markings
tone set notes written from the lowest notes found in the melody and the highest notes found in the melody.
transposition a rewritten song sounding the same as the original but on starting on a different note.
ALWAYS remember to keep the intervals between notes the same when transposing so the song will sound the same only higher or lower. fh


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