Chapter 9


Omo Mora
FlashCards por Omo Mora, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Omo Mora
Criado por Omo Mora aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is Economic Growth The sustained expansion of the production possibilities
Economic Growth Rate The annual percentage change of Real GDP
Economic Growth Rate formula Growth Rate of Real GDP = Real GDP in current year - Real GDP in previous year/ Real GDP in previous year x 100
What does the Growth Rate show us about the economy It shows us that the economy is growing
The standard of living depends on what It depends on the Real GDP per person
Formula for Real GDP per person Real GDP/ Population
How much does Real GDP Growth contribute to the Standard of living The standard of living depends on the growth rate of real GDP per person
The Standard of living rises when The Growth rate is growing and the Real GDP per person is rising
What happens when the population grows quicker than the Real GDP When it rises quicker the GDP per person will go down and the standard of living will fall because there is more people
Growth Rate of Real GDP per Person Formula Growth Rate of Real GDP per person= Growth Rate of real GDP (%) - Growth Rate of Population
Standard of living can only grow when When the Real GDP rises quicker than the population
The Magic of Sustained Growth Sustained growth of Real GDP can transform a poor society to a wealthy one. The reason being that economic growth is like compound interest. (It grows bigger the longer you have it and it increases in small amounts)
Rule of 70 The Rule of 70 is the number of years it takes for the level of any variable to double. The bigger the percentage the quicker it doubles
Formula for Rule of 70 70 / % of Variable
What increases the Standard of Living Real GDP and Labor Productivity
Labor Productivity Is the quantity of Real GDP produced by one hour of labor
Formula for Labor Productivity Labor Productivity = Real GDP / Aggregate Hours
What happens when Labor Productivity increaes When it increases the Real GDP per person increases which in turn increases the standard of living
The Growth of Labor Productivity depends on what two things 1. Saving and Investment Capital 2. Expansion of Human capital and discovery new technologies
Saving and Investment on Physical Capital You give producers better tools and resources to boost production and produce more per hour. They are affected by the law of diminishing returns
Law of Diminishing Returns If the quantity of capital is small, an increase in capital brings a large increase in production but if the quantity of capital is large an increase in capital brings a small increase in production
What doesn't get affected by the law of diminishing returns The Expansion of Human and discovery of new technologies is not affected by this law.
What are three ways to expand Human Capital 1. Education and Training 2. Job Experience 3. Health and Diet
Education (Human Capital) Education is good because you have a well educated population that can learn math and other subjects and have created professionals and specialists that contribute to labor productivity and advancement of technology
Job Experience (Human Capital) Job Experience helps when you start finding a rythmn and you learn how to do things you can make things quicker increasing production
Health and Diet (Human Capital) Health and diet help because well nourished and fit employees can stay longer and work harder producing more and increasing productivity curve
Discovery of New Technologies New tech can help productivity and help make things efficiently and quickly
What has made a bigger contribution? Tech or Human and Physical Capital Tech has provided a bigger contribution
What does tech have to do to reap the benefits Capital has to increase for it to reap the benefits
What are the two reasons that Real GDP increases 1. Quantity of Labor Growth 2. Labor Productivity Growth
What are factors of Labor Growth Some factors include Population growth, Labor Force Participation, and Average hours per worker
Factors for Labor Productivity Growth Physical Capital Growth, Human Capital Growth, Technological Advances
Classical Growth Theory This theory says that the clash between an exploding population and limited resources will eventually bring economic growth to an end. (Things will be good till they become crap)
What is the Malthusian Theory The Malthusian Theory is the same as the Classical Growth Theory and it believes that the population explosion will lower Real GDP per head and lower the standard of living
New Growth Theory This theory predicts that our unlimited wants will lead us to ever greater productivity and perpetual economic growth (never ending growth)
What are the three facts of market economies that are emphasized in New Growth Theory 1. Human Capital expands because of choices 2. Discoveries result from choices 3. Discoveries bring profit and competition destroys profit
Human Capital (New Growth Theory) In Human Capital people decide how long and how hard they study and how much on the job training they receive. All these factors govern the speed that human capital expands.
Discoveries and Choices (New Growth Theory) Discoveries depend on how many people are looking for new technologies and how intensively there looking for them.
Discovery brings Profit (New Growth Theory) The profits of a new discovery are huge
Perpetual Motion Growth is driven by the insatiable wants that lead us yo pursue profit and innovation
Is perpetual motion a diagram. T or F It is a diagram. T


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