Unit 05_Dialogue Renting a Car - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Samples of dialogues) FlashCards sobre Unit 05_Dialogue Renting a Car - Sheet1, criado por SLS Indonesian em 21-07-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Staf penyewaan mobil: Selamat siang, Pak. Bisa saya bantu? Car Rental Staff: Good afternoon, Sir. What can I help with?
Penyewa: Selamat siang. Saya mau menyewa mobil. Renter: Good afternoon. I would like to rent a car.
Staf penyewaan mobil: Untuk berapa orang? Car Rental Staff: For how many people?
Penyewa: 6 orang. Renter: 6 people.
Staf penyewaan mobil: Mau menyewa mobil apa, Pak? Car Rental Staff: What type of car would you like to rent, Sir?
Penyewa: Saya belum tahu, ada mobil apa saja? Renter: I do not know yet. What types of cars do you have?
Staf penyewaan mobil: Ada macam-macam, Pak. Bapak mau ke mana? Car Rental Staff: There are many types, Sir. Where are you going to?
Penyewa: Ke Jawa dan Bali selama satu bulan. Renter: To Java and Bali for one month.
Staf penyewaan mobil: Oh, itu harga luar kota, Pak. Tanpa atau dengan supir? Car Rental Staff: Oh, that will be an out-of-town price, Sir. With or without a driver?
Penyewa: Dengan supir. Berapa sewa satu bulan dengan supir? Renter: With a driver. How much does it cost to rent a car for a month with a driver?
Staf penyewaan mobil: Ini daftar mobil dan harga sewanya, Pak. Harga tidak termasuk penginapan dan uang makan supir, bensin, dan parkir. Car Rental Staff: This is the list of cars and prices, Sir. The prices do not include lodging and allowences for the driver, gasoline, and parking.
Penyewa: Maaf, saya kurang mengerti. Tolong jelaskan! Renter: I am sorry, I do not really understand. Please help explain.
Staf penyewaan mobil: Penginapan dan uang makan supir ditanggung penyewa. Car Rental Staff: Lodging and allowences for the driver are the responsibilities of the renter.
Penyewa: Oh, saya mengerti. Saya menyewa Mini Bus Suzuki APV saja. Bagaimana cara membayarnya? Renter: Oh, I understand. I will just rent a mini bus Suzuki APV. How do I pay for it? (What's the payment method?)
Staf penyewaan mobil: Harus dibayar kontan di muka, Pak. Car Rental Staff: It has to be paid upfront in cash, Sir.
Penyewa: Baiklah, terima kasih. Renter: Alright. Thank you.


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