Unit 05_Grammar for Fluency_Root Word + _Ke-an_ - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Grammar for fluency) FlashCards sobre Unit 05_Grammar for Fluency_Root Word + _Ke-an_ - Sheet1, criado por SLS Indonesian em 21-07-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
banjir flood
kebanjiran to be caught in a flood
candu drugs
kecanduan to be addicted to (drugs), an addiction
dingin cold
kedinginan to be freezing
haus thirsty
kehausan to be really thirsty
hujan rain
kehujanan to be caught in the rain
kering dry
kekeringan to be suffering from a drought
lapar hungry
kelaparan to be starving
panas hot
kepanasan to be suffering from the heat
semut ant
kesemutan to get pins and needles (lit. to be overcome by ants)
senang happy
kesenangan to be overcome by glee, overjoyed
susah difficult
kesusahan adversity, to be troubled
takut afraid
ketakutan to be overcome by fear
bagi divide, share
kebagian be allotted (a place/share)
betul correct, true
kebetulan it so happens, by chance
copet pickpocket
kecopetan to be pickpocketed
curi steal
kecurian experience theft, be stolen from
habis finished, completed
kehabisan run out of, no more left
hilang vanish, loose
kehilangan suffer from a loss, loose something
jatuh fall
kejatuhan to be hit by a falling object
maling theif, intruder
kemalingan to be robbed, experience theft
tahu to know
ketahuan to get caught in action


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