Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 4 2024 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian FlashCards sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 4 2024 Latinic , criado por FSI Serbian em 25-07-2022.
FSI Serbian
FlashCards por FSI Serbian, atualizado aproximadamente 1 mês atrás
FSI Serbian
Criado por FSI Serbian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
stvarno really, actually
Dobro jutro! Good morning!
Danas Today
subota f. Saturday
ponekad sometimes
subotom on Saturdays
ujutro in the morning
pijem I drink
piti to drink
turski, -a, -o Turkish
Posle toga... After that...
pregledam I review
pregledati to review
volim da gledam I like to watch
gledati to watch
ljubavni filmovi love movies
često often
Beč Vienna
šetam I stroll
šetati to stroll
(po) gradu (through/around) the city
grad m. city
kad when
lepo vreme n. nice weather
kiša f. rain
padati to fall
Pada kiša. It is raining.
volim da idem I like to go
ići to go
bioskop m. movie theater
pozorište n. theater
Narodno pozorište National Theater
nedelja f. Sunday
nedeljom on Sundays
isto the same
šetnja f. stroll, walk
drugačiji, -a, -e different
rano early
Nažalost Unfortunately
omiljen, -a, -o favorite
To mi je pokvarilo dan That ruined my day
pokvariti to ruin
ljut, -a, -o angry
raspoložen, -a, -o in a good mood
Zato... That’s why...
predstava f. performance, theatre play
posle after
provoditi to spend (time)


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