Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 6 2024 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian FlashCards sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 1 Day 6 2024 Latinic, criado por FSI Serbian em 25-07-2022.
FSI Serbian
FlashCards por FSI Serbian, atualizado aproximadamente 1 mês atrás
FSI Serbian
Criado por FSI Serbian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Ljudi kažu... People say...
Baš me briga! I don’t care!
Kakav sam, takav sam! That’s the way I am! (male)
Kakva sam, takva sam! That’s the way I am! (female)
najgori, -a, -e the worst
uprkos in spite of
uspešan, uspešna, uspešno successful
lek m. medicine
Balkanska ruta Balkan route
ruta f. route
preko through, across
tražiti to seek, to look for
napustiti to leave., to abandon
tržište n. market
sastanak m. meeting
nagrada f. prize
špijunaža f. spying
najvažniji, -a, -e the most important
odnosi m., pl. relations
protesti m., pl. demonstrations
protiv against


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