Serbian Basic Course Unit 3 Day 1 2024 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian FlashCards sobre Serbian Basic Course Unit 3 Day 1 2024 Latinic , criado por FSI Serbian em 26-07-2022.
FSI Serbian
FlashCards por FSI Serbian, atualizado aproximadamente 1 mês atrás
FSI Serbian
Criado por FSI Serbian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Da vidim... Let me see
videti to see
koleginica f. colleague
međutim however, nevertheless, although
renomiran, -a, -o renowned
upisati se to enroll
važan, važna, važno important
zemlja f. country, land
početi to begin
dosta enough, rather, fairly
stručnjak m. experts
entuzijasta m. an enthusiast
provoditi (vreme) to spend (time)
od malih nogu since childhood
roditelj m. parent
emigrirati to emigrate
industrijski, -a, -o industrial
u centralnoj Srbiji in central Serbia
detinjstvo n. childhood
kod kuće at home
šaliti se to joke around
pitanje n. question
divan, divna, divno wonderful
bogat, -a, -o rich
rado gladly
navodno presumably, allegedly
rođak m. cousin


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Alessandra S.
LEI 8112/1990
Técnica Feynman
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