French - English Vie du consommateur - Bavardons List 3


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) FlashCards sobre French - English Vie du consommateur - Bavardons List 3, criado por Kristen Walters em 27-07-2022.
Kristen Walters
FlashCards por Kristen Walters, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Criado por Kristen Walters aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
pear poire (une)
polite poli(e)
cell phone portable (un)
present tense présent (le)
prestigious prestigieux, prestigieuse
to foresee, to anticipate, to allow prévoir
pronoun pronom (un)
eighty quatre-vingt
Áudio: 80 (audio/mpeg)
ninety quatre-vingt dix
Áudio: 90 (audio/mpeg)
ninety-five quatre-vingt quinze
Áudio: 95 (audio/mpeg)
although quoique
reasonable raisonnable
to search, research rechercher
reduction, discount réduction (une)
real, true réel(le)
really réellement
request requête (une)
to risk risquer
sandal sandale (une)
sandwich sandwich (un)
to expect s'attendre à
salmon saumon (un)
would know (I, you) saurais (je, tu) [savoir]
to volunteer se porter volontaire
to smell, to feel sentir
would be (I, you) serais (je, tu) [ętre]
would be (he, she, one) serait (il, elle, on) [ętre]
to mean signifier
similar similaire
soda soda (un)
sixty soixante
Áudio: 60 (audio/mpeg)
seventy-five soixante quinze
Áudio: 75 (audio/mpeg)
sales soldes (les) (f.)
wish souhait (un)
to wish souhaiter
be (imperative) soyez [être]
Swiss suisse
to follow suivre
supermarket supermarché (un)
surely sûrement
table table (une)
rug tapis (un)
tent tente (une)
terminal (airport) terminal (un)
ticket ticket (un)
total total (un)
tower tour (une)
type type (un)
typically typiquement
vase vase (un)
costs (it) vaut (il, elle) [valoir]
would see (I, you) verrais (je, tu) [voir]
green vert(e)
would come (I, you) viendrais (je, tu) [venir]
would like (you) voudriez (vous) [vouloir]
to want vouloir
as for, concerning quant à


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