Questão | Responda |
Decimals | Are numbers with digits to the right of the decimal point, indicating that decimals, like tractions, are parts of a whole that are less than one. |
Decimal Fractions | expressed in the digits to the right of the decimal point, a fraction with a denominator that a has power of 10 |
Decimal Point | Is the center of the decimal numbering system. The whole numbers are to the left of the decimal point and the parts of whole number are to the right. |
Mixed Decimal | a combination of a whole number and a decimal |
Pure Decimal | has no whole number to the left of the decimal point. (examples being .43, .458, etc) |
Repeating decimal | Decimal Numbers that repeat infinitely |
Rounding Decimal | Reducing the number of decimals to an indicated position, such as 59.59 rounded to 59.6 to the nearest tenth |
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