Research Methods


FlashCards por lcevangelista, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lcevangelista quase 9 anos atrás

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Aim - statement of what the researcher intends to find out in a research study Method - how that information is sampled, and the types of instruments that are used in data collection.
Procedure - ways a study is to be structured or has been structured. Findings - information discovered
Conclusion - summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached NEXT TOPICS
Hypothesis - a mere assumption or guess. Experiment - causal conclusions can be drawn because the IV has been manipulated so we can observe the cause of the DV
Operationalise - A concept where something needs to be specified more clearly if we are going to investigate it Standardise Procedure - A set of procedures that are the same from all the participants in order to be able to repeat the study.
NEXT TOPIC Independent Variable - something that is MANIPULATED by the experimenter
Dependent Variable - something that is MEASURED by the experimenter Extraneous Variable - factors in an experiment but does not effect what is being studied - nuisance variable and makes the experiment more difficult to defect
Confounding Variable - is an extraneous variable which affects the variables being studied so that the results you get do not reflect the actual relationship between the variables under investigation OTHER WORDS
External Validity - where a research findings can be generalised Ecological / Population / Historical Historical - A study that was conducted years ago may not be reliable now as there are changes occuring
Ecological - finding can be generalised to the real world Population - a study that can be generalised to other people who didn;t took part in the study
Internal validity - Which an observed effect was due to a researcher controlling all extraneous variables Face / Concurrent / Predictative Concurrent - How well a particular test correlates with a previously validated measure
Predictive - performance on a test is related to later performance that the test was designed to predict Face -
NEXT TOPIC [ experimental/ participant design ] Participant Variables - intelligence, motivation, past experiences Order Effects - learning, fatigue, boredom
Demand Characteristics - participants more likely to guess the aim of the study Amount of participants - less/more time consuming to collect participants NEXT TOPIC [ Sampling ]
Volunteer - relies solely on volunteers to make up a sample Random - using random technique - every member of the target populatipn being tested has an EQUAL chance of being selected
Opportunity - participants who are most easily available at the time Systematic - obtained by selecting every Nth person. - can be a random sample - 1st person = random method - select every Nth person after
Stratified - produced by identifying subgroups according to their frequency in the population - participants are the selected randomly from the subgroups NEXT TOPIC [ Confounding variables ]
Demand characteristics - cue that makes participants aware of the aims of the study Participant - Any characteristics of a participant
Experimenter effects - results that an experimental researcher subsconciously communicated the expected results to the participant Situational Variables - any features of a situation that may influence a participant's behaviour
Single blind design - participants are not aware of the aims Double blind design - both researcher and participants are blind Experimental realism - makes a task engaging so the participant pays attention to the TASK not that they are being observed
NEXT TOPIC [ Types of Experiment ] Laboratory (HIghly controlled environment) - IV manipulated - DV measured - High control over extraneous variables
Field (natural environment) - IV manipulated - DV measured - Harder to control extraneous variables Natural (real life setting) - IV is naturally occurring - DV is measured
Quasi (almost experiment) -


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