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Criado por FSIETC Montenegrin
mais de 2 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
iskreno | honestly |
igdje | anywhere |
tip | guy, fellow |
iz prve ruke | first hand |
reagovati | to react |
za razliku od | unlike, as different from |
ikoga | anyone |
sjediti na dvije stolice | having it both ways |
šansa | chance |
pravo | straight |
bezveze | silly, stupid, what makes no sense |
namjerno | on purpose |
Čas se svađate… čas... | One moment you are fighting and another.... |
Pravo da ti kažem | If I may be honest with you... |
Ne skreći sa teme! | Do not change the topic! |
djevojka | girl |
godišnje doba | season |
Kakvo bre… | What the... |
Duva bura. | Gale is blowing. |
zima | winter |
Udariti u glavu | To go to someone’s head |
Lupaš k’o Maksim po diviziji! | You are talking nonsense! |
ulični psi i mačke | stray dogs and cats |
Nije važno… | It is of no importance... |
...da vidiš na čemu si. | to see where you stand. |
priznavati / priznati | to admit, to recognize |
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