BC L9 V2


Basic Cantonese Lesson 9 Video 2 Vocab
SLS  Cantonese
FlashCards por SLS Cantonese, atualizado 11 meses atrás
SLS  Cantonese
Criado por SLS Cantonese aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
BC L9 V2: Recreation
ride cháai 踩
ride a bike cháai dāan chē 踩單車
join, participate chāam gà 參加
other than chèuih jó 除咗
by plane chóh fēi gèi 坐飛機
sitting chóh háh 坐吓
long vacation daaih ga 大假
university daaih hohk 大學
bike dāan chē 單車
cycling team dāan chē déui 單車隊
team leader, captain deuih jéung 隊長
dim sum dím sàm 點心
study book duhk syū 讀書
plane fēi gèi 飛機
train fó chē 火車
to take fong 放
to take a long vocation fong daaih ga 放大假
rich, plenty fùng fu 豐富
California Gā Jāu 加州
California University Gā Jāu daaih hohk 加州大學
at that time gó jahn 嗰陣
work gùng jok 工作
hiking hàahng sàan 行山
next month hah go yuht 下個月
seldom; very rare hóu síu 好少
have fun hóu wáan 好玩
narrow jaak 窄
weekend jāu muht 週末
after jì hauh 之後
self service jih joh 自助
program jit muhk 節目
wish jùk 祝
chatting kìng háh 傾吓
travel léuih hàhng 旅行
travel group; tour group léuih hàhng tyùhn 旅行團
journey léuih tòuh 旅途
a happy journey léuih tòuh yuh faai 旅途愉快
pavement, road surface louh mín 路面
mahjong màh jéuk 麻雀
the American Women's Association Méih Gwok Fúh Néuih Wuí 美國婦女會
thought, think nám 諗
woman néuih jí 女子
dangerous ngàih hím 危險
in ordinary time pìhng sìh 平時
Friends of the Woody Hills Sàan Làhm Jì Yáuh 山林之友
laughing siu háh 笑吓
recreation, amusement, entertainment siù hín 消遣
group tyùhn 團
Yunnan Wàhn Nàahm 雲南
activity wuht duhng 活動
a group of people yāt tyùhn yàhn 一團人
happy yuh faai 愉快


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