Byzantine Project


flashcards for Byzantine Empire
FlashCards por ohayes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ohayes quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is an autocrat? An autocrat is a sole ruler who had complete authority.
Describe the strength of the Byzantine economy. .-Flourished on a strong central government. -strong money economy- even had their own currency.
icons -the use of holy images -contributed in the split between the church (the Great Schism)
Describe the strength of the Byzantine military -they had their own secret weapon called "greek fire" (it was reputed to be indistinguishable and even burned on water) -sailors, ships, protection
What led to the eventual destruction of the Byzantine Empire? -The Crusades -Split between the Church -Venetians convinced the Crusaders to attack Constantinople -Turks took over and turned it into Istanbul
Hagia Sophia -Started as a Christian church, later became a mosque (now, a museum) -very beautiful- a great architectual achievement
Great Schism -the split between the church -caused by the ban of icons
Constantinople -capital of Byzantine Empire -commanded key trade -linked Europe and Asia
What made Constantinople a vital center of the empire? -It was the center of trade and greatly protected by big walls -located along waters -linked Europe and Asia
How did the Byzantine Emperors differ from a king? -they were sole rulers and seen as "Christ's sole rulers on earth"


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