

FlashCards sobre EG_R03_L23, criado por Nariman Rizk em 23-09-2022.
Nariman Rizk
FlashCards por Nariman Rizk , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nariman Rizk
Criado por Nariman Rizk mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
في حاجة؟ What is wrong?
بتعدي قدام السفارة roaming around the embassy
مواعيد مختلفة different times
شاكك فيها I suspect it
العربية بتهدّي the car slows down
بيبصوا جامد على... they stare at...
نزل من العربية he got off the car
مشي على رجليه he walked
كأنه as if he
بيراقب he is watching
مدخل entrance
بيراقب مدخل السفارة he is watching the embassy entrance
شكله إيه؟ What does he look like?
في الثلاثينات in his thirties
كام واحد؟ How many?
شاف اللي كان سايقها؟ Did he see the driver?
تخين over weight
نضارة شمس sunglasses
أزرق blue
قاعدين وراء sitting in the back seat
رجالة men
وشهم their faces
اوصف لي العربية! Describe the car!
نمرة العربية car plate
عايز أبلغكم I would like to inform you


Proteínas - Composto Orgânico
Daiana GM
Direito Constitucional - Concurso Receita Federal - Auditor Fiscal
Alessandra S.
Conjuntos Numéricos
Laura Louis
Simulado OAB - 1 de 8
Luiz Fernando
Oração Subordinada Substantiva
GoConqr suporte .
Artigo 7° da CF
GoConqr suporte .
Plano de estudos em três etapas
GoConqr suporte .
Simulado 12 - Português - 5ºs anos
Planejamento e Controle da Produção
Luciana Amaral Pereira Freire