Module 2: Deploy and manage DHCP > Unit: Install and configure the DHCP role


FlashCards sobre Module 2: Deploy and manage DHCP > Unit: Install and configure the DHCP role, criado por Rick Schoenman em 08-10-2022.
Rick Schoenman
FlashCards por Rick Schoenman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Criado por Rick Schoenman mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are 2 requirements for installing the DHCP role? - Installer must have local admin rights - The server must have a static IP address
What powershell cmdlet can be used to install the DCHP role? Add-WindowsFeature DHCP -includemanagementtools
Which 2 DHCP management groups exist? - DHCP Administrators - DHCP Users
When are the DHCP management groups created? When performing the DHCP Post-install configuration
When are the DHCP management groups not created? When doing the installation with Powershell or Windows Admin Center
How can you manually create the DHCP management groups? With Powershell: Add-DhcpServerSecurityGroup -Computer <DhcpServerName>
What is DHCP AD DS Authorization? This is a post-installation task. It registers the DHCP server in the AD DS domain. This is a mandatory task.
When do you need Domain Admin rights to authorize a DHCP server and when do you need Enterprise Admin rights? Domain Admin rights: - In a single domain environment Enterprise Admin rights: - in a multiple AD DS domain forest
What happens with a standalone, not domain-joined (and therefore not authorized), DHCP server, when it detects an authorized DHCP server? It automatically shuts down
How can you find out from which DHCP server a client received its network configuration? By running ipconfig /all on the client.


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