Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Explore the DNS architecture


FlashCards sobre Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Explore the DNS architecture, criado por Rick Schoenman em 09-10-2022.
Rick Schoenman
FlashCards por Rick Schoenman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Criado por Rick Schoenman quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is DNS? DNS is an industry standard name resolution service, that primarily resolves hostnames to IP addresses.
If a DNS server can not resolve a query, what does it then do? - forward to another dns server - use the root hints to resolve it
What do domain-joined windows clients use DNS for when the want to contact a domain controller? The use the DNS server to locate the domain controller.
The naming structure that DNS uses is hierarchical, what does this mean? It means that a DNS namespace starts with a root domain and can have any number of subdomains
What is the difference between public and private domain names? Private: you can decide how to call the namespace. Public: you must register the domain name with ICANN or another registrar to register your domain name.
Where does a DNS server retrieves it's response from? First, from a local database. Else, it forwards it to another DNS server. The DNS server caches previously requested information from other DNS servers.
Which is a common Windows Server role that DNS is installed alongside? Active Directory Domain Services
How do you make an DNS server responsible for resolving requests for a specific namespace? You create a zone on the DNS server that corresponds to the namespace
What is the DNS resolver cache on a client? After a Windows client has received an answer from a DNS server, it stores this in the resolver cache.
Which commands can you use to view the DNS resolver cache on a Windows client? - ipconfig /displaydns - Get-DnsClientCache
Which commands can you use to clear the DNS resolver cache? - ipconfig /flushdns - Clear-DnsClientCache
Besides DNS, what other name resolution methods can a Windows 10 client use? - Check it's DNS resolver cache - Check the hosts file - Broadcast a NetBIOS name query - Check LMHOSTS file - Use a NetBIOS name resolution service like WINS
Describe a hostname - User friendly name that is associated with a host's IP address and identifies it as as TCP/IP host. - Max. 255 characters - is an alias or an FQDN - Applications use the structured FQDN in the internet.
Describe a NetBIOS name - nonhierarchical name - Max 16 chars, of which the last char is used to identify a service. - Represents a single computer or a group of computers


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