Separate But Equal Test


Joana Perez Reye
FlashCards por Joana Perez Reye, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joana Perez Reye
Criado por Joana Perez Reye mais de 8 anos atrás

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14th Amendment one of the Civil War Amendments, define US citizenship and guarntees "equal protection under the laws"
De jure segregation segregation established by law. For example JIm Crow & the Supreme COurt decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
De facto segregation Latin phrase that means "by fact". Segregation that occured NOt by law but as a result of tradition. Ex. In 1900's blacks & whites attended separate churches.
JIm Crow laws segregation laws in the South
Original jurisdiction the authority of a court ot hear a case APPEALED from a lower court.
Legal brief a wirtten document explaining the position of one side or the other side or the other in a case.
Majority opinion a stqatement that presents the views of the majority of the Supreme Court justicies regarding a case.
Dissenting opinion a statement written bhy a Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority opinion, presenting his or her own opinion.
"stare decisis" principle followed by judges and the Surpeme COurt: a Latians terms
Precedent a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case. Ex. The case Pessy v. Ferguson established the precedent of "separate but equal"
Due process of laws means fair and equal treatment in a court of law 5th & 14thh amendments mentionn due process of laws.
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) case of a slave named Dred Scott. The Supreme COurt ruled that ensalved African Americans were property, not citizens, adn had no rights under the COnstitiution.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) case about Homer Plessy, a black man, who purchased a ticked to ride in the whites only railroad car in Louisiana. Case established "separate but equal" doctrine.
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) banned segregation in public schools
Briggs v. Elliot (1954) case that challenged segregated schools in Calrendon County, South Carolina.
Korematsu v. United States (1944) During WWII Japanese American citizens living on the West Coast were moved to internment camps. SUpreme Court upheld the President's authority to do this. This case is an example of the President's power to issue an executive order, checks and blances, and jdicial review.
University of California v. Bakke (1978) Supreme COurt case affirmative actionl. It bats use of racial quota systems in college admissions but also afffirmative action programs are constituitonal
Reverend J.A. Delaine a Methodist minister and civil rights leader from Clarendon County, South Carolina.
Harry Briggs Jr. The little kid that got passed by the bus.
Thurgood Marshall arry Briggs, Sr. and Eliza Briggs, were one of several groups of parents who filed suit against the school board in Clarendon County, South Carolina.
John W. Davis Caleb Davis, was a clockmaker in the Shenandoah Valley. In 1816, his grandfather, John Davis, moved to Clarksburg in what would later become West Virginia, which had a population of 600–700 at the time, and ran a saddle and harness business.
Earl Warren Earl Warren was born in Los Angeles, on March 19, 1891, to Mathias H. Warren, a Norwegian immigrant whose original family name was Varren,[1] and Crystal (Hernlund), a Swedish immigrant. Mathias Warren was a longtime employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad.


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