

Moroccan Dialect- Rotation Two- Lesson Thirty Five
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
FlashCards por Nargess Lakehal-Ayat, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nargess Lakehal-Ayat
Criado por Nargess Lakehal-Ayat mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
الموسيقى Music
االمعهد الوطني ديال الموسيقى The national institute of music
المدارس الخصوصية private schools
آالت Instruments
بيانو Piano
قيثار Guitar
كيضرب على He plays the
باغي يزيد يتعلم he wants to learn more
بغيت نتسجل I want to join
لصال ديال الرياضة the gym
شارع النخيل El-Nakheel street
نقية It is clean (fem.)
مجهزة It is equipped (fem.)
بشحال كيدفعوا How much do they pay to get in?
المعلومات information
تسلق الجبال mountain climbing
كيمارسوا they pratice
هما them
الشباب the youth
أجانب foreigners
برامج programs
تدريب training
باش يحافظوا على in order for them to maintain
قيثار Guitar
المعلومات information
تسلق الجبال mountain climbing
كيمارسوا they pratice
هما them
الشباب the youth


Priscila Reinaldo
Português - 3 - Ortografia e acentuação
FONOLOGIA estudo dos sons
Viviana Veloso
Literatura Brasileira
Alessandra S.
Geometria Plana Triângulo
Luiz Antonio Lopes
Fonética, ortografia e acentuação gráfica
GoConqr suporte .
Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Reprodutor Feminino
Ana Inês Kruecck Quintas
Síntese da Arte Rupestre
Sandra Barros
Sistema Respiratório
Mateus de Souza