

FlashCards sobre IQ_R3_L07, criado por Noor AlShammari em 24-10-2022.
Noor AlShammari
FlashCards por Noor AlShammari, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Noor AlShammari
Criado por Noor AlShammari quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
آني شايفة إنك... I see that you...
برنامج تبادل الشباب والدراسة YES (Youth Exchange and Study) program
انقبلت I was accepted
الصف الثالث المتوسط 3th grade (freshman in high school)
الرابع الاعدادي 4th grade (sophomore in high school)
كورس course
الأمديست AMIDEAST
ليش اختاريت هذا البرنامج بالتحديد؟ Why did you choose this program specifically?
مختبرات labs
عن طريق through
اكتسب I gain
مهارات skills
مستقبل future
طب medicine
كلية الطب medical school
راح تستضيفني it will host me
مدة الدراسة school year
طول مدة الدراسة all school year
تأمين صحي health insurance


NA CONSTITUIÇÃO - Princípios Gerais
Literatura - Escolas Literárias
Amanda Destro
Direito Penal I - Questões para a prova
Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
Resumo global da matéria de Biologia e Geologia (10.º e 11.º anos)_2
Sofia Oliveira
21 erros de comunicação que atrapalham sua carreira
Liliane Tubino
FCE Practice Quiz - B2
Anatomia membro inferior - Ossos, acidentes e movimentos
Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles
André Matias
2a Lei de Mendel
Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça
Apresentação da aula 1 - Desenvolvimento Humano e Social - Saúde
Emmanuela Pimenta