
Lots Of Words
Joshua LAMB
FlashCards por Joshua LAMB, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joshua LAMB
Criado por Joshua LAMB aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is DAFORREST? Direct Address/Alliteration/Facts/Opinion/Repetition/Rhetorical Question/Emotive Language/Statistics/Triple.
What is Rhetorical Question? A question that has no answer.
What is Direct Address? Directly speaking to the reader.
What is Fact? Something that is proven with evidence.
What is Opinion? Something you believe in and liking or disliking what you think of this certain thing.
What is Repetition? A single word or a group of words that repeated for effect.
What is Statistics? A use of numbers such as: Percentages, tallies, and money.
What is Emotive Language? Something that captures the heartstrings of the reader.
What is Alliteration? Words that begin with the same letter.
What is Triple? A group of three words such as: Helmet, Armour, and Grieves.


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