dialogue scenario between a customer and a manager


dialogue scenario between a customer and a manager
aaron pawelek
FlashCards por aaron pawelek, atualizado more than 1 year ago
aaron pawelek
Criado por aaron pawelek mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
"Hello, I ordered a limited edition item from your website a few days ago, but I received an email saying that it's no longer available. I was wondering if I could get a refund or an alternative item?" "Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience. I understand that you received an email stating that the item you ordered is no longer available. I apologize for the shortage of stock and any frustration that it may have caused. May I have your order number, please?"
"Sure, it's 12345." "Thank you, I have your order here in front of me. I can see that you ordered the limited edition item. I apologize again, but we are currently out of stock of that item and unfortunately it's not being restocked anymore. Can I offer you a full refund or a similar in-stock item at a discounted price as a gesture of goodwill?"
"I appreciate the offer, I would like to try the similar item at the discounted price." "Great, I can offer you a 20% discount on the similar item. Is that okay?"
"That sounds good, thank you." "You're welcome. I'll go ahead and process that for you now. You should receive the new item within a week. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?"
"No, that's everything. Thank you for your help and prompt resolution of this issue." "You're welcome. I'm glad we could resolve this for you. I'll be sure to follow up via email to ensure your satisfaction with the new item."
"Sounds good, thank you again." "Of course, have a great day!"


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