CS flashcard revision.


these are flash cards that will help you revise contents; .formatting int( ) denary to binary binary to denary multiplication addition subtraction division
Adam Pratley
FlashCards por Adam Pratley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adam Pratley
Criado por Adam Pratley mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
define .formatting and give an example. .formatting limits the amount of decimal places that are printed in floats. for example number = 98.1468297645 print("The answer is{0:.5f}".format(number))
what does int( ) do and how is it incorporated into your code? The int( ) makes sure that the answer given is a whole number not text or including decimals. age=int(input("Please enter your age"))
how do you convert denary into binary you can use a table like these and put a one below the numbers that can be added together to make your number.
how do you convert binary to denary you can use a table like these but add the numbers together that have a one below them
how do you multiply in your code? (give an example) gdp= float(input("blah blah blah)) eur= gdp * 1.32 print("blah blah",eur)
how do you implement addition into your code (give an example) age=int(input("blah blah blah")) ageplusten=age + 10 print("blah blah",ageplusten,"blah blah")
how do you implement subtraction into your code (give an example) age=int(input("blah blah blah")) ageminusten=age - 10 print("blah blah",ageminusten,"blah blah")
how do you implement division into your code (give an example) age=int(input("blah blah blah")) agedividedten=age / 10 print("blah blah",agedividedten,"blah blah")


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