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Criado por FSI Slovenian
aproximadamente 2 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Izvolite! | Go ahead! Here you are! |
Naj se vrnem k svoji prošnji. | Let me get back to my request. |
Moja najljubša glasba je jazz. | My favorite music is jazz. |
Koncerti niso razprodani v abonmajih. | Concerts are not sold out in subscriptions. |
Ne skrbite! | Don't worry! |
Ne, nisem še slišala zanj. | No, I haven' t heard about it. |
Brez vas ne bi bili dobili kart. | Without you we wouldn't have gotten the tickets. |
Če so karte še na voljo, bi jih lahko povabili na koncert. | If tickets are still available, we could invite them to the concert. |
Treba je samo telefonirati na blagajno filharmonije in rezervirati karte. | It only need to be called to the box-office of the philharmony and reserved the tickets. |
Pogosto so vstopnice že razprodane. | Tickets are often already sold out. |
Povabljeni gosti šele v Mariboru sestavijo program koncerta. | Invited solists put together the program for concert after the arrival to Maribor. |
Na dan koncerta so mladini na voljo karte po znižani ceni. | On the day of the concert the tickets at the discounted prices are available for the youth. |
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