
Flashcards with some information about the VESPA programme
Alan Stone
FlashCards por Alan Stone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alan Stone
Criado por Alan Stone aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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What is VESPA? VESPA is a system designed to help you get the most out of your studies
VISION It's hard to get somewhere if you don't really know where you're going... Visualize yourself in your ideal job... Maybe you want to be a vet, a concert pianist, a translator or a teacher... Now what was that postcode again?
EFFORT Now , imagine you want to be a concert pianist... You want to play in the best halls around the world... What's the difference in the amount of EFFORT required to get good enough to play for your friends and family and to get good enough to be the number one concert pianist in the world? Think about that for a while...
SYSTEMS It's no secret that one of the important things you need to know about passing exams is exam technique... You have to understand the SYSTEM ... But that's not all. To succeed in your studies you need to have the following systems in place... More on slide 2...
SYSTEMS YOU NEED TO HAVE IN PLACE Time management Organisation Practice Rota Exam Expertise
SYSTEMS:TIME MANAGEMENT You probably won't be surprised to hear this is one of the most important systems to get to grips with. You need to: Know where you're supposed to be at all times during the school or college week; know when your homework is due in; know when workshops are and know when you are going to study, revise or do that homework.
SYSTEMS:ORGANISATION This, together with good time management is vital if you want to avoid STRESS. You need: pens (and lots of them), file paper and pads, coloured pens and highlighters, card folders and ring binders, revision cards and post-it notes. Take a trip to your local stationery store. Maybe the pink fluffy pen grabs your attention. Go for it...
SYSTEMS:PRACTICE ROTA You need to set up a system for when you are going to study. It could be a rota you pin on the wall or keep in your folder or ring binder. It needs to say which days and at what times you will study and for how long. Let's think back to our concert pianist... Do you think he or she has a practice rota somewhere?
SYSTEMS:EXAM EXPERTISE You need to become an expert in exams. Find out which exam boards you are doing in each of your subjects. Find their websites and look up their specifications, past papers,mark schemes and examiner reports for each of your subjects. It's a lot easier to pass a test if you know what you are being tested on... Also, remember that system called exam technique? Here's where you find out about it.
PRACTICE There's an old saying:"Practice makes perfect" We need to practice what we have learnt or we are going to forget it. Homework and assignments are good, but unfortunately they won't be enough. Get into the habit of reading through your notes in each subject each week. Then you need to do some or all of the following: -Make a mindmap -Make a set of Flashcards -Design a 10 question quiz -Record your thoughts onto a dictaphone or your phone -Make a list of key words -Write notes in your own words -Make a powerpoint Remember the practice rota? This is what you can use it for.
ATTITUDE This last area can be a difficult one but it really is the key to everything else. Perhaps we should have put it first... You need to be ready to change the way you approach your studies but if you are, I'm confident the VESPA system will make a HUGE difference to your homework and assignment and coursework marks and exam results. You WILL see the difference, believe me. KEEP CALM AND KEEP STUDYING...
USEFUL LINKS The good news is that websites and apps like this one will allow you to make mindmaps, flashcards, powerpoints, quizzes and notes as well as a practice rota. They will help you manage your time too. Also try Khan Academy (Maths and Science), Get Revising, and Pomodoro. Good luck!


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