4.3 Communication Skills


Diploma Negotiating & Contracting (Section 4 : How commercial negotiations should be undertaken) FlashCards sobre 4.3 Communication Skills, criado por sheenadonaldson2 em 25-10-2015.
FlashCards por sheenadonaldson2, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sheenadonaldson2 quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Types of Questions Open Closed Probing Multiple Leading Reflective Hypothetical
Types of Non-verbal communication Kinesic - Body Language Proxemics - How near of far you sit apart Para language - Tone of Voice Object language - Personal Grooming
Behaviours of sucessfull negotiators they consider all outcomes think about long term implications of issues Ask more questions summarise
1st order and 2nd order skills 1st - Listening, observing, questioning, building rapport. 2nd - Using 1st order skills in situ, Negotiation, influencing, Team working
Skills to build rapport Listening, Body language Mirroring body language Finding common interests Remembering peoples names Open Questions, Honesty Integrative negotiating
EQ - Emotional Intelligence Self awareness Motivation Influence Intuition Conscientiousness & Integrity Emotional resiliance
Explain Selective & Adaptive Listening Selective - Hearing what you want to hear not what was necessarily said. Adaptive - Understanding the context in relation to personal experience and allows misinterpretation of info.
Explain Passive & Active Listening Passive - Letting the speakers words wash over you (in 1 ear out the other) Active - Engaging with the speaker in Dialogue


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