BSC2010 Chap 1


Biology FlashCards sobre BSC2010 Chap 1, criado por Valeria Sandoval em 24-08-2023.
Valeria Sandoval
FlashCards por Valeria Sandoval, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Valeria Sandoval
Criado por Valeria Sandoval mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Organisms an individual living entity that grows and reproduces as an independent unit
Nucleic Acids A polymer made up of nucleotides, specialized for the storage, transmission, and expression of genetic information (ie. DNA and RNA)
Cell Simplest structural unit of a living organism, and can serve as a building block of tissues in multicellular organisms
Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms that have no nuclei; includes bacteria and prokaryotic archaeans
Photosynthesis Metabolic processes carried out by green plants and cyanobacteria, visible light is trapped and used to convert CO2 into organic compounds
Aerobic Metabolism in the presence of oxygen, or requiring the use to metabolize
Anaerobic Metabolism Metabolism occurs without the use of molecular oxygen
Organelles Any of the membrane-bound organelles within a eukaryotic cell
Nucleus Centrally located compartment, enclosed by a double membrane and contains chromosomes, in cells
Endosymbiosis The engulfing of one cell by another (ex. Mitochondria)
Cellular Specialization Division of labor so that different different cell types are responsible for different functions, in multicellular organisms
Genome The complete DNA sequence for a particular organism or individual
Binomial A taxonomic naming system in which each species is given two Latinized names (genus, species)
Phylogenetic Trees A graphic representation of the lines of descent among organisms or their genes
Bacteria Unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus, possessing distinctive ribosomes, and initiator tRNA, generally containing peptidoglycan in the cell wall
Archaea Unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus and a peptidoglycan in the cell wall, eukaryotes are closely related to a type of archaea belonging to the prokaryotic archaeans
Eukaryotes Organisms made up of one or more complex cells in which genetic material is contained in nuclei
Model Systems These include a small group of species that are the subject of extensive research. They're organisms that adapt well to laboratory situations, findings from them can apply across a broad range of species (ex. Drosophila )
Natural History The study of nature outside a formal hypothesis-testing investigation
Quantify To turn an observation into explicit counts or measures that can be used and verified by others
Hypotheses A tentative answer to a question to which testable predictions can be generated
Data Quantified observations about a system under study
Controlled experiment Experiment in which deliberately changes, or manipulates, one or more of the factors being tested
Comparative experiment Experiment which compares un-manipulated data gathered from different sources
Variable A factor or variable that is compared to a constant
Null Hypothesis the premise that any differences observed in an experiment are simply the result of differences that arise from drawing two finite samples from a population


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