Criado por Jessica Austin
mais de 1 ano atrás
Questão | Responda |
Cancellation | An alternative method to reduce fractions to the lowest terms. |
Common denominator | To add two or more fractions |
Denominator | The bottom number of the fraction |
Equivalent | Two or more fractions equivalent in value |
Fraction | Expresses a part of a whole number |
Greatest common denominator | The largest possible number that will divide evenly into both the numerator and denominator. |
Higher terms | Expressing a fraction with a new numerator and denominator that is equivalent to the original. |
Improper fractions | Fraction that has a value equal to or greater than 1; numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator. |
Less common denominator | The smallest non-zero whole number into which all denominators will divide evenly. |
Like fraction | Proper fractions with the same denominators |
Lowest terms | Expressing a fraction when no number divides evenly into the numerator and denominator except the number. |
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