

FlashCards sobre Smallpox, criado por k.randev em 26-11-2013.
FlashCards por k.randev, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por k.randev mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what is smallpox Smallpox is an acute contagious disease caused by the variola virus
where did it originate from Believed to have originated over 3000 years ago in India or Egypt
EXTRA FACTS ABOUT SMALLPOX One of the most devastating diseases known to humanity.
There wast an effective treatment developed for the disease Killed about 30% of the people that had been affected.
Between 65–80% of survivors were marked with deep pitted scars mainly on the face. One of the effects of smallpox was blindness
A third of all reported cases of blindness were due to smallpox in the 18th century. Nine-tenths of adolescent children of all blindness was ascribed to smallpox
smallpox killed one in ten children born in sweden and france one in seven children born in Russia died from smallpox
VACCINATIONS 150 years after the introduction of vaccination an esitmated cases of smallpox occured in the world each year
In 1959 the world health assembly passed resolution to undertake the global eradication of smallpox The cases for smallpox fall to about 10-15 million by 1967 because of vaccination
In 1969 the world health organisation launched an intensified plan to eradicate smallpox Smallpox was finally pushed back to the horn of Africa and then to a single last natural case occurring in 1977


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