Bus 342 Chapter 5 Key Terms


Key terms from Acconting Information Systems 4th Edition Chapter 5
Richard Kramer
FlashCards por Richard Kramer, atualizado 8 dias atrás
Richard Kramer
Criado por Richard Kramer 8 dias atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aggregation Relationship UML notation representing the relationship between two classes that are often considered together. ex. sports league and teams
Association UML symbol that depicts the relationship between two classes. Solid line between classes in model
Attributes Data elements that describe instances in a class. Like fields in a database table
Business rule Succinct statement of constraints on a business process. Provides logic that guides behavior of the business in situations.
Cardinalities How many instances of one entity that can be related to another
Data Models Graphic representation of the conceptual contents of databases.
Entities People, things, and events in the domain of interest. UML notation they are modeled as classes
Foreign Key Attribute that allows database tables to be linked together. Are primary keys of other tables placed in the current table to support the link.
Generalization relationship UML symbol that supports grouping of things that share common characteristics. Reduces redundancy because the shared characteristics need only be modeled once.
Multiplicities UML symbols that describe the minimum and maximum number of times an instance of one class can be associated with instances of another class for a specific association between those two classes
Primary Key Attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies an instance of a class in a data model or a specific row in a table.
Relationship Business purpose for the association between two classes or two database tables.
Structure Model Conceptual depiction of a database, such as a UML model or an entity-relationship model.
Classes Separately identifiable collection of things which the organization wants to collect and store as information.
Composition Relationship UML notation representing the relationship between two classes that are often considered together, except that one class cannot exist without the other. ex. chapters in a book.
Obligatory Rule What should occur
Prohibited Rule What should not occur
Post override Enforcement Violation is authorized after the violation already occurred.
Pre override Enforcement Violation is authorized in advance
Strict Enforcement Violations are never authorized
Preventative Control Deter problems before they arise
Detective Control Finds the problems
Corrective Control Looks to fix the problems
Entity Separately and uniquely identifiable things of interest in a system


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