Multi Store Model of Memory


A levels Psychology (Cognitive Psychology) FlashCards sobre Multi Store Model of Memory , criado por Euan Short em 26-08-2024.
Euan Short
FlashCards por Euan Short, atualizado 6 dias atrás
Euan Short
Criado por Euan Short 6 dias atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who proposed the Multi Store Model of Memory? Atkinson and Shiffrin
When was the Multi Store Model of Memory proposed? 1968
What are the three distinct memory stores in the Multi Store Model of Memory theory? - Sensory Memory - Short-term Memory - Long-term Memory
What is sensory memory? Sensory Memory is a very short-term memory store for information being processed by the sense organs e.g. feeling a raindrop on your skin
What is short-term memory? The capacity to keep a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time.
What is long-term memory? unlimited storage information to be maintained for long periods, even for lifeunlimited storage information to be maintained for long periods, even for life
What is a positive of the theory? There is a large base of evidence supporting the theory
What is a negative of the theory? The theory is largely over simplified and ‘LTM’ can be split into Episodic, Procedural and Semantic memory.
What can Long-term memory be split into? - Episodic - Procedural - Semantic


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