Ten Steps in Planing a Writing Course


Magisterio (Educación) FlashCards sobre Ten Steps in Planing a Writing Course, criado por KATERYN LEONOR MONTENEGRO SALAZAR em 12-09-2024.
FlashCards por KATERYN LEONOR MONTENEGRO SALAZAR, atualizado 4 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
STEP 1: ASCERTAINING GOALS AND INSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS We shouldn't expect students to write perfectly. We must encourage learners and make them feel comfortable with the language. Writing skill is the last skill we must teach.
Step 2: Deciding on Theorical Principles A principled process approach always pays serious attention to the product but at an appropriate stage in the process. What will my students learn from this activity?
Step 3: Planning Content Writing allows us to revise our ideas and language before presenting them to an audience. This allows us to receive feedback from ourselves and others and make changes and corrections as needed.
Step 4: Weighing the Elements To write effectively for a course, prioritize content, organization, creativity, style, fluency, accuracy, and proper rhetorical forms. Based on the students' needs.
Step 5: Drawing Up Asyllabus How will we organize that content and the learning experiences in the classroom? Structural, functional, topical, situational, skills and processes, tasks
Step 6: Selecting Material Videos, software, and books. Then the materials have to fit as far as possible with the goals, principles, content, and weighting that we have already decided on. Topics, types of writing, opportunities, instruction on principles, collaboration, revision, edition and proofreading.
Step 7: Preparing Activities and Roles It's important to avoid overwhelming our students with too much information at once. It helps to consider what kids will do and learn in the classroom rather than the range of material we will convey.
Step 8: CHOOSING TYPES AND METHODS OF FEEDBACK What will be the method and type of response–and what do I have time for? What is the purpose of my response?
Step 9: Evaluating the Course Teachers employ sentence and essay assessments to assess pupils' development. Teachers evaluate their achievement based on exam scores, surveys, and reflective journals.
Step 10: REFLECTING THE TEACHER’S EXPERIENCE Teachers don't always consider themselves researchers. Teachers who investigate why certain classes or activities work better than others, or who experiment with new approaches and evaluate their impact, are considered researchers, theorists, and practitioners.


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